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GatorBlue371 06-26-2009 02:19 PM

no troops. No rebuilding. Bombs. Then let them clean up the mess. We don't want another Iraq.

djsnoflake 06-26-2009 05:46 PM

I can't seem to figure out this damn imbedding stuff..........


TFord 06-26-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by CanadianRocky (Post 623000)
And the second row of seats is Japan. Any nuclear attack on Korea will lead to massive death by radiation poisoning in Japan.

Japan is directly West of North Korea and the wind flows East/West.

correct, but thats only referring to the weapons system that I worked on. Id be willing to bet we have more in our arsenal than just the trident system...most of which we'll probably never learn of, unless unless of course they get used.(hopefully we dont have to)

And the third row of seats is the USA.
It is the next land mass and radiation poisoning will effect the US as well.
Don't be so sure the US would even respond with Nukes even if the NK's used them.

Wrong again even if you're talking about the trident system...cant go into specifics...but I know what the full scale after effects would be.

First off all, they have no delivery system that is reliable, and their Nukes would be low yield, so they end up being the dying charge of a wounded animal.

Do you have any definitive proof of this? (referring to their nukes?) we all know their long range delivery capabilities are subpar... but as far as the potential yield of their weapons I can't agree or disagree.

Why would the US use the Nukes if it would do as much damaged to the USA as it did to NK as in food, water and human health issues?

Why would the US use the Nukes when conventional weapons would do the job as well, without the radiation issues?

Refer to my second response

Now, you may not care about this point (why would I not care about this point?), but even if the NK's used Nukes, and the US retaliated by "Blowing them back into the Dark Ages", the US will become an international pariah.

If the NKs use Nukes, you can bet the USA and the rest of the world will respond with devastating force.

One of the reasons is so that the Iranians, the Taliban, and every other Terrorist out there knows that the penalty for using them on the US or its Allys is something that is so prohibitive in cost that no one will consider using them again.

Without risking a one way trip to Levenworth, or worse...Trust me "Devastating force" isn't the "deterrent" that keeps Nukes from being launched at the US. Id love to debate further, but getting in trouble to prove a point isn't worth it.

moto-camaro 06-26-2009 07:14 PM

sigh... silly airport blocks all the videos :cry:


Originally Posted by GatorBlue371 (Post 623509)
no troops. No rebuilding. Bombs. Then let them clean up the mess. We don't want another Iraq.

honestly i think that's the way to do it, i'm not in the military, so i don't know that much about the logistics of it all, or what's feasible and what isn't. but the way i think is if i country was to park a few subs, destroyers, guided missile cruisers, and aircraft carriers, you could cripple almost any company without stepping foot inside. obviously that's not how something would go down, i'd imagine you'd have to have some troops on the ground.
that idealistic approach is like impossible. never hurts to dream though

and TFord, much respect for your line of work :respekt:
i shall not argue with the man who takes care of the weapons we never hear of. i'd imagine his information comes from higher powers than what we all get to read. that's the scary part, they've designed weapons, that most of us haven't even dreamed of.

North Korea; advice:

CanadianRocky 06-26-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by TFord (Post 624356)
Without risking a one way trip to Levenworth, or worse...Trust me "Devastating force" isn't the "deterrent" that keeps Nukes from being launched at the US. Id love to debate further, but getting in trouble to prove a point isn't worth it.

If you knew as much as you said you know, you wouldn't say anything.

Trust you?

I would not trust anyone who implied that they had top secret information and bragged about it in a chat room.

And if you do, and you are talking about it in here, you should be ashamed of yourself.

drivingincamaro 06-26-2009 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by CanadianRocky (Post 624476)
If you knew as much as you said you know, you wouldn't say anything.

Trust you?

I would not trust anyone who implied that they had top secret information and bragged about it in a chat room.

And if you do, and you are talking about it in here, you should be ashamed of yourself.

well what would he gain from lying to us?

he is not Releasing any classified Information that can help Americas Enemy's at all.. :iono:

I hope to God NK does not Launch any missles at us And i Hope to God that our Missie defense System Works Flawlessly

CanadianRocky 06-26-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by drivingincamaro (Post 624595)

he is not Releasing any classified Information that can help Americas Enemy's at all..

There is an old saying that goes like this.

Those that know, don't say, and those that say, don't know.

TFord 06-26-2009 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by CanadianRocky (Post 624667)
There is an old saying that goes like this.

Those that know, don't say, and those that say, don't know.


What exactly did I say? I know what Im allowed to say, and not to say. Everything that I did say can easily be found on the internet, military, or discovery channel... and if your really interested you can go get a phd in physics. If you believe me or not I really don't care. No need to be a dick about it my friend. Just dropping you a few kernels of knowledge, what you decide to do with them is up to you. I love internet tough

Xanthos 06-27-2009 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by moto-camaro (Post 624378)
sigh... silly airport blocks all the videos :cry:

honestly i think that's the way to do it, i'm not in the military, so i don't know that much about the logistics of it all, or what's feasible and what isn't. but the way i think is if i country was to park a few subs, destroyers, guided missile cruisers, and aircraft carriers, you could cripple almost any company without stepping foot inside. obviously that's not how something would go down, i'd imagine you'd have to have some troops on the ground.
that idealistic approach is like impossible. never hurts to dream though

and TFord, much respect for your line of work :respekt:
i shall not argue with the man who takes care of the weapons we never hear of. i'd imagine his information comes from higher powers than what we all get to read. that's the scary part, they've designed weapons, that most of us haven't even dreamed of.

North Korea; advice:

Unforunately, many times bombings and shellings do not work. Thats why the battle of Iwo Jima was so devastatng for us.

Not saying NK would be like that, but sometimes its like you said - there just has to be troups on the ground in order to accomplish the mission.
- X

jakemaxx 06-27-2009 12:34 AM

this is like a little stock civic trying to race a camaro ss just not going to win sorry civic

FenwickHockey65 06-27-2009 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by TFord (Post 624813)

What exactly did I say? I know what Im allowed to say, and not to say. Everything that I did say can easily be found on the internet, military, or discovery channel... and if your really interested you can go get a phd in physics. If you believe me or not I really don't care. No need to be a dick about it my friend. Just dropping you a few kernels of knowledge, what you decide to do with them is up to you. I love internet tough

Just a 500...nothing to get worked up about. :thumbsup:

camaro5 06-27-2009 12:52 AM

lil_chef 06-27-2009 02:56 AM

attacking the US is pretty high on the DO NOT DO list. if i recall correctly its 1 place below taking a bath with a toaster

UCI CamaroFan 06-27-2009 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by The_Blur (Post 617755)
I'm surprised to see no moderation in this thread.

I want to post a general warning. Politics has been banned from Camaro5. Be careful not to associate your patriotism with any political party or values that would represent a political agenda.

With that in mind, I will go ahead and point some things out regarding North Korea.

North Korea is technically still at a state of war with the United States because no peace treaty was ever signed after the Korean War. It is therefore feasible to conclude that the executive branch of the United States has the constitutional authority to initiate any act of war with North Korea at any time. In other words, President Obama does not need to seek Congressional approval in order to engage North Korea.

North Korea has weapons of mass destruction. Besides any nuclear material in the possession of this particular government, North Korea has a substantial chemical weapons arsenal. These weapons will make any conventional conflict with the nation very dangerous for troops. If the US is going to invade North Korea, these weapons will inflict massive casualties on American troops and North Korean civilians. It is possible that the press will hold the US accountable for such casualties, so it is important that any campaign is swift and decisive. With such a closed nation, intelligence is limited, so finding and destroying these weapons before their use is unlikely. In effect, it is reasonable to consider that an engagement with North Korea, while necessary, will be damaging to the image of the United States and those running its government because the use of weapons of mass destruction will inflict potentially massive casualties.

North Korea is a rogue state. Without any significant alliances, North Korea could not reasonably expect to win a major international conflict. The most likely allies for North Korea are Iran, Venezuela, Palestine, and Syria. Palestine has no military, and Syria would not engage the US without other Middle Eastern support because it has an impotent military force. Venezuela would seek agreements with OPEC nations to reduce oil output in a passive attempt to sanction the US, but Venezuela would not engage. Iran would only engage the US defensively because Iran has enough domestic turmoil that its military would be very occupied if a war happened in the coming weeks. North Korea, therefore, is largely alone. Even China is uneasy with North Korea's nuclear pursuits. The war would have at least two fronts, and then North Korea would fold. South Korea would unify with North Korea to form a new nation with increased influence in the region. That nation would likely follow a similar development path as the reunified Germany. North Korea will always follow South Korea industrially, but it will be part of a unified nation with a single democratic identity. In conclusion, if war breaks out in Korea, North Korea will lose. It might not be quick, but it will happen.

I just to address this... the US was never technically at war with Korea, which is why it was called the Korean Conflict, not the Korean War. It was UN declaration of war, not a US. CONGRESS NEVER DECLARED WAR AGAINST KOREA!!! If you remember/care to look up, Douglas MacArthur was the leader of the UN forces until Truman called him back to the US and didn't allow for the use of nuclear weapons. We therefore do not have the necessary authority to just attack.

Another thing to realize is that the US has tactical nukes stationed in South Korea as anti-personnel weaponry... The losses against the Chinese army were realized, and the small tactical nukes were placed there to deal with another similar case. North Korea knows this, and we know they know this.

The one thing that makes North Korea scary is the fact that their leader as effectively brainwashed the entire population. Many of the North Koreans will blindly follow their leader to the death.

It is also worth noting that Kim's health is failing, and he does not truly have a successor. His children are practically all pathetic. One of his sons is gay (nothing against gays, but it is a big deal in Asian culture), and another one is fat and lazy and lives in France most of the time. With this in mind, he needs to shake things up and put his country on the map while he still can. Which is why I am positive that things will blow over. He knows he is cornered, and he is not as stupid as many make him out to be.

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