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All-Or-Nothing 08-03-2010 01:46 AM

What scares men most.....Women drivers
Poll Reveals What Scares Men Most: Women Drivers

What scares the bejesus out of you? Spiders? Clowns? Garden gnomes? If you’re a man, chances are you’re afraid of your wife’s or girlfriend’s driving.

So it’s a bit of a stereotype, but a recent poll taken by, an online market research firm, asked 3,000 men a series of questions about how they felt being a passenger riding along with a female driver. The results found that a third of men are afraid in the passenger seat. Around one-fifth of those polled often grip the seat cushion in fear and one in ten said they had been forced to grab the steering wheel as their partner took her eyes off the road. spokesperson said that most men “feel they are better drivers than the women in their lives,” as well as “believe they concentrate a lot better, read road situations more quickly and clearly and have better reactions.” Some of the respondents even went on to say they could never relax when their other half was driving.

Hit the jump for a list of the top 10 complaints made about women’s driving:

1. Lack of concentration

2. Braking too late

3. Flicking the accelerator

4. Not avoiding rumble strips

5. Getting too close to other cars

6. Braking too hard

7. Fiddling with the stereo

8. Failure to indicate

9. Going too fast

10. Sticking in the middle lane

Sterling 08-03-2010 03:12 AM

I'm glad I'm not alone... I don't fear all women drivers, but my wife definitly makes me nervous.

nUcLeArEnVoY 08-03-2010 08:26 AM

That's funny, because I feel safer around my mother driving than any other driver. She brakes so early and so smoothly at lights that she never really does stop the car since the light turns green most of the time before she completely stops. She also drives pretty slow and has no interest in the radio - I can fall asleep with my mom driving. Then again, she's 60. xD

My sister on the other hand, holy crap, I can hear my heart beating against my ribs.

prostock69 08-03-2010 08:37 AM

My mother and sister are the worse drivers on earth. They tailgate, brake at the last minute and speed all the time. I rode with my sister to Amish Country three weeks ago and I thought we were going to die. I threatened to walk home if she didn't allow me to drive. Yes, she is that bad.

I can understand men being scared of other women drivers with these two on the road. However, I think it's extremely sexist to assume that all women drivers are this way. If you look at the traffic accident/ticket statistics here in Ohio, male drivers have more accidents and get more speeding tickets than female drivers AND there are 250,000 more licensed female drivers than male.

Pamaro 08-03-2010 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by All-Or-Nothing (Post 2174754)
Poll Reveals What Scares Men Most: Women Drivers

What scares the bejesus out of you? Spiders? Clowns? Garden gnomes? If you’re a man, chances are you’re afraid of your wife’s or girlfriend’s driving.

So it’s a bit of a stereotype, but a recent poll taken by, an online market research firm, asked 3,000 men a series of questions about how they felt being a passenger riding along with a female driver. The results found that a third of men are afraid in the passenger seat. Around one-fifth of those polled often grip the seat cushion in fear and one in ten said they had been forced to grab the steering wheel as their partner took her eyes off the road. spokesperson said that most men “feel they are better drivers than the women in their lives,” as well as “believe they concentrate a lot better, read road situations more quickly and clearly and have better reactions.” Some of the respondents even went on to say they could never relax when their other half was driving.

Hit the jump for a list of the top 10 complaints made about women’s driving:

1. Lack of concentration

2. Braking too late

3. Flicking the accelerator

4. Not avoiding rumble strips

5. Getting too close to other cars

6. Braking too hard

7. Fiddling with the stereo

8. Failure to indicate

9. Going too fast

10. Sticking in the middle lane

I am only guilty of #9 and I don't see how that's a bad thing ;)

It's always funny to see my husband grabbing for an OH $H*T handle when he rides with me. Cracks me up every time!

SSRSLY 08-03-2010 08:49 AM

I'd love to take one of those girly men on a lap around Texas World Speedway. Show them what scary driving is really all about :cool:

Americanmuscle11 08-03-2010 03:46 PM

I agree with everything on that list. However there are some women who can driver a lot better then most men.

AZCamaroFan 08-03-2010 05:47 PM

women drivers don't scare me. men are the crazy drivers, and usually the angry ones. although i will say when i am in the car with my mom i feel like she's really lucky at times.

CaniacFan 08-03-2010 07:17 PM

Geeezzzzzz.. So I guess it's pick on the ladies now...

Ok, I'm guilty of just #9 (I go too fast, sometimes). They forgot to include tailgating, that bugs the heck out of me. I must not be that bad of a driver if my husband can sleep while I'm at the wheel..

Camaro_Corvette 08-03-2010 07:20 PM

Most people suck at driving in my opinion. Not just women.

#9 doesn't even make sense. Most of the women I know drive slowwwww!

Russo 08-03-2010 07:25 PM

they need to replace #9 with "While talking, they slow down."

David79z28 08-03-2010 07:26 PM

Lol I see women I work with driving, texting, putting on make up, eating, messing with the radio, at the same time. However, they can only do one thing at a time when the get to work.

However, they don't do as much stooopid/ fun stuff as we do while driving....

motorhead 08-03-2010 07:30 PM

That poll is so true. Did you see ladies? Thanks to your great driving these days you lost your discount on insurance for being a women. That should tell you how the tide is changing as far as who is the safer driver. My wifes mother rear ended her dad a couple of months ago. two insurance claims at once. Good job grandma!

68/2010 08-03-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Americanmuscle11 (Post 2177140)
I agree with everything on that list. However there are some women who can driver a lot better then most men.


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