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Old 07-25-2008, 12:33 PM   #6
yenkotown's Avatar
Drives: Hyundai 2.0T 10 former Corvettes
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Posts: 68
How things look is always a matter of personal's your money buy whatever you want.

How things work is not opinion. Do you see any deep dish wheels on the racing Vettes or any cars in the ALMS series....NO !! Do you see deep dish wheels on any high dollar performance car.......NO !! Do you see deep dish wheels on any Formula or open wheel race cars......NO !! All these examples are not cost related, nor appearance related. They are that way because it's mechanically better. Deep dish style wheels have to be heavier, not as strong, offer less brake clearance, and are less aerodynamic etc.

Deep dish wheels are only an aftermarket driven preference. I believe the majority of people do prefer how they look however. The aftermarket is there to let people personalize their car. Every Lambo comes with the same OE wheels, so it's OK to make your's look different. Just don't think that you're improving anything mechanically.

I've owned and raced a lot of Camaro's so style-wise I know what the commentators are saying.
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