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Old 12-20-2017, 07:15 AM   #71
Dragonman's Avatar
Drives: 2015 1LT OBE
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: KY
Posts: 509
At last year's fest and having never drag raced a car ever, I appreciated the pro tree. It pretty much keeps the newbs from DQing their runs. I did manage to pull RT down from .6 to .2 in the 4 runs I did. Drop the loud peddle and dump the binders on yellow is all you have to remember for the pro tree. Staging is a bit trickier for those that want to have the motor well spun up before they launch however. If you're not trying to beat someone to the finish line, ie. testing ETs, the tree doesn't even really matter. Just wait for the green to show you the timing circuit is active and launch it whenever you're ready.

To be brutal, just to avoid the red lights, the pro tree is the best way to go. I still managed to jump the start on one of my runs trying to power brake launch. The starter was nice enough to allow me to reset and get the run in anyway.
_______-2015 1LT JUSTICE----------------------------------1997 B12-___________
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