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Old 01-01-2010, 09:57 AM   #342
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Originally Posted by Bullitt View Post
These threads crack me up. Is it that important in your lives to prove that your vehicle of choice is better than the competition? Does it really matter? If you own it and like it, isn't that enough? Is your self worth somehow threatened if your car is proven to be inferior? I mean, REALLY. Any car has it's strengths and weaknesses and NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO LIKE ONE CAR.
The Camaro is one badass looking ride. 426 hp is awesome. That being said, the Camaro crowd should kiss the ground the Mustang drives on because, without the huge success of the '05 Mustang, I doubt you would be driving your Camaros right now. And in turn, the Mustang crowd should be immensely grateful that the Camaro came back with the engines that they have. It took Ford all of one model year to up their powerplants in the Mustang.
And the blind brand loyalty is really annoying. To think that anything your manufacturer does is better than the competition, is absurd. This goes along with the "I hate (insert car model here)". It's a freaking car. How do you hate an inanimate object? You might prefer a different model, but hate? I mean, REALLY.

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