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Old 04-21-2010, 02:20 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by balthazar View Post
Hahaha, he's still posting. I like him much better now that I can't read what he says.

And Pb, look he was a state trooper, and don't get me wrong, I do NOT envy that job at ALL. And primarily I just wanted to vent without a bunch of jackasses (NOT you) telling me I shouldn't have been speeding when I wasn't. It's not the end of the world, and hell it isn't even bad enough to complain (officially). Because, like I said, I don't envy that dudes job.

In the day to day functions of my job there is a NEARLY 0% chance some tweaker freak is going to try to shoot me. I wont ever have to chase someone on foot. Risk my life in a car chase. Be shot at (heh, hopefully). etc. etc. etc.

What pisses me off is that, there was no chance to explain what or why, he asked "why are you driving like that?" I got half a sentence out while he looked around my car before he just repeated the half sentence I'd said so far and just asked for my license. I had my hands up on the wheel (so he can see them, I don't want to be stressing this guy out and the way I see it one less stop where you worry about being shot at is a good thing.

I am being considerate of EVERY cop before they even get to my window. And you know how many times I've gotten ANY slack (let alone let off with a warning)? ZERO.

And all I ask in exchange is to be able to vent one g*ddamned time.

But NO. And you know what I'm going to do about it? Next time I get pulled over, it's gonna be hands on the wheel, polite as always.

Hell I'm not even going to say "viewing it from my perspective" in regards to him letting me explain that, look you know I wasn't being careless I knew where the one car around me was, I knew where people could turn out, I openend her up, and shut her down right away, just wanted to hear the car a little. Because you know what, even though the ticket was BS. If I had to deal with what they do...i would probably lump people together too.

My problem is giving me a ticket for something I didn't do.

Anyway, this is a mile and a half from as big a deal as being worth all this, I just needed to blow off some steam, an now that tardicus-prime has been put on ignore I've done that.

Seriously, if you go into that line of work, be safe man. Best of luck!
Hey, Balthazar,

Relax a little buddy. You have every right to vent, and it's an unfortunate situation that one particular person on this thread took that away from you. I don't believe in any way you were looking for sympathy. Now here is the Kicker. I am a retired Police Officer in KY. (yes, small town). I will be the first to admit to you that there is a small minority of Officer, nationwide that have what is called a "God Complex". It appears my friend you have been the "lucky" one to get these guys every time. I operated under the pretense that with power comes responsibility. I never pulled over until someone hit 15 mph. At that point it is kind of hard to argue the point of breaking the limit or not. I truly wish that you would have had a better experience with Law Enforcement in your area. And unlike "Mr. shove his oppinion in everybody's face" I happen to pick out from your post that you do have respect for Law Enforcement despite your unfavorable experience. Anyway, dude, ignore that guy, and you vent any damn time you want to!!
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