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Old 09-06-2010, 07:35 PM   #25
Drives: 2010 camaro 2ss rs
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: dallas
Posts: 17
Well the way i see it! If you cant do it right the first time whats the point! How on gods green earth can your tell me he was not lying ? He said he put up 380rwh . but at speed tek 325rwh? The car died on me . How could a tuner with some exp no see there was a problem ? Unless he did not care! or did not even look at it ! Which i would like to point out i paid for !

But he told me the numbers so he had it on the dyno ! Now you see? Eather a lie , or he has no ideal what he is doing on camaros! You decide ... But one of the two is true and there is no geting around it ! Im telling people so in the future people will not get screwed by him . and i will not go back up there to have him plug in to my tune!

I have got a lot of personal messiages from other people who i will not mention their names! Tell me that he is a snake ! If it was not for speed tek my car would be crap right now. Of course i know people who work for him or other people who were paid etc. are going to tell good stories. But i know better than that!

I hope other people see through that too. One way or another he is going to do it again. If i were some one who read this i would go some where else and let some one do a dyno to see if the numbers are righ! Cause if i would of never went some where else i would of never found out !

Also i know he pays to be on this web site! I like this web site and its not going to help him to have people say good things abought him. The fact is if i pay some one to do a job for me , or if i get paid to do a job for someone. I take my time and i do the absolute best job i can ! On everything i do ! Even if it is taking out the trash. Need i say more ! I will have the charts up in the morning .
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