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Old 11-25-2010, 12:17 AM   #16
Institutionally Insane
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Originally Posted by franknbeans View Post
I totally agree Banshee, but free speech doesn't work here unless every member is a paid member. . . You are using the forum under some one else dime.

It would be the same as going into a business and if that business doesn't like what you are saying they can kick you out. . . .

But I totally agree though. . . . how about the thread for chicks in sweet pants. . . that's a little out of hand yet nothing is done with that.
I completely understand this forum is what it is...

I also understand that if one person is offended, as this member was, I suggested he not visit this thread indicating that I avoid threads which offend me.

My issue is that the original thread, in it's original flow of contributors was nowhere near as offensive as scores of other topics.

I made my counterpoints to the offended party with respect, politeness and with factual basis for his perception of immaturity shown within that thread. I only wished I had saved these responses to show you that although I am in no position to "correct" someones opinion, there is a certain edict that if you offend someone within the thread he has issue with by calling him immature, he himself is just as culpable. You can't break the "rules" to make your perception of appropriateness enforcable.

For the record, I was not the one that was called immature nor did I personally make ANY harmful reference as I have 2 cats myself. I found humor inthe posts, yet the offended party did not.
It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the new Bluesmobile or what?
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