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Old 04-30-2011, 04:04 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Markal View Post
Yeah...the concept is designed as an attention getter....than they tone it down for Mr. and Ms. american. WHY? Did they poll anyone on their opinions? Did they ask anyone if they would buy it if it looked like the original concept? No....they just tone it down thinking this is what they want...this is what will sell and its easier for us at Chevrolet to build....they have no clue as to how many more would sell if they kept the original concept....I say it would sell well over even their own expectations....playing it safe....SUCKS!!! The 2010 Camaro was very close to the original concept and is still a strong seller.
Chevy....sell one Volt as a old lady version and sell one as the concept....the concept will outsell the old lady version 10 to 1. NO DOUBT! Don't try to align it with certain platforms or make it easy for you....we don't want something easy or something that has been done before....we want something different...something cool, modern and very efficient.
I'd buy one tomorrow if it looked like the concept car and will make fun of anyone purchasing the current Volt looks looks like looks like every other car out there....PLAIN and SIMPLE. Chevy if you want to be the car company of the have to take risks and design cars that look different...the Volt concept car was different and COOL....BUILD IT....they will come in droves....JEEZZZZ why can't you get it?!!!
I see grayed haired ladies driving Mustangs and Vettes you really think we want this overly consertive rounded, Asian rip-off, bubble really are lost and have no clue! Sorry the Volt design sould be renamed....Re-volt...or this simpileton design makes me want!!!!! Sorry, Chevy your current design SUCKS and I predict with confidence you will not meet your sales goals!!! Make the design closer to the concept....sales will skyrocket!
The concept looks more Cadillac/high quality....the production looks Asian. What is this "Brick" thing with the concept version...thats no brick...I see a lower line and smoother edges...its a nasty rumor so Chevy can put it on the cheaper Cruze platform rather than the Cadillac?....the production model makes me want to spew. Its a Prius....its a Honda....its a Mitsubishi....its cheap looking....its so common...sales will tell all. I bet fail!

Let's rip this post apart, shall we?

Why was GM forced to redesign the Volt from the original concept? Because the concept performed so horribly in the wind tunnel that Bob Lutz joked it'd probably work better if they stuck it in backwards. When designing an ultra-fuel efficient car, bad aerodynamics can kill the project in a heartbeat. The Camaro being close to the concept has nothing to do with the Volt.

The concept wouldn't outsell the "old lady version" simply because consumers would take a look at the EV-only range of both cars and pick the production model. Furthermore, the Volt Concept is a very polarizing design, which isn't something you want to go for in this segment. Polarizing design can have a very negative effect on sales, as those who love the car will immediately buy it, but it'll take a lot of marketing and effort to get those on the fence to buy, and sales to those who hate the design are lost indefinitely.

The production model does look similar to other hybrids out there. Why? Because the teardrop shape of all these hybrids is the most aerodynamic model out there. GM has actually made quite a valiant effort to make the Volt appear more like a normal sedan rather than simply building a Prius with a Chevrolet badge. You can't deviate far from that teardrop shape without sacrificing aerodynamics.

Please refer to sales charts and tell me what the best-selling passenger car in America is right now. The vast majority of Americans don't give two sh*ts about design or an abomination like the Camry wouldn't be on top right now. The only reason the Volt may not reach its initial sales goals is due to supply constraint and the steep pricing on the current generation.

The concept is a brick. 100% brick. It doesn't work. You can whine all you want about how "good" it looks, looking good doesn't mean sh*t when it doesn't perform well. Function over form in this segment.

Now you're trying to start a conspiracy about GM switching the Volt from a Cadillac platform to a Chevrolet? What Cadillac platform is FWD? Theta-Epsilon (SRX) and K-body (DTS). Neither one of those are able to support the Voltec powertrain. The Volt has ALWAYS been destined for Delta-II.

Sales are telling all. The Volt is destroying its only competitor, the Nissan Leaf.

Research, my friend. Try to be informed before you make another complete fail of a post like the one you just made.
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Last edited by FenwickHockey65; 04-30-2011 at 04:28 AM.
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