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Old 09-17-2012, 03:04 PM   #10350
Downright Upright
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Sorry Scott got caught in the crossfire...

Sadly, there are those who think the First Amendment is fully applicable, regardless. While the "freedom" exists, there are ALWAYS responsibilities associated with such. And the Right to "respond" is an unspoken one...or not, as we were reminded in a certain thread, on this site, recently.

Best response returned (which I now plan to adopt)? all...and they'll go away. We will have to endure a sacrificed thread or three, but what the hey?

It shows a certain "something" when people feel compelled to invade the site to spout their slanted, biased drivel and/or pick arguments over the minutiae being discussed in the name of "auto enthusiasm", then high-tall it to their "home" site and wear "badges of honor" publicly for their banning and/or coarse interpretations of what they've shared with those [fill in the blanks] @ camaro5.

Ignore the ignorant.
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