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Old 09-21-2012, 07:29 AM   #1

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My current status

I know we have not posted much lately. I have a sad update, my beloved Janet passed away this Tuesday, it was a complete shock to me because she had been doing relatively well other than some flu symptoms for the last day or two. Once I get through the next few hectic days, I'll probably continue to read the forum and every once in a while chime in when I have something useful to add. I am overwhelmed at the loss of my very best friend ever, she was so much more than my wonderful wife, she knew how to make me smile and accepted every facet of my self and helped me to enjoy the last 16+ years.
Janet was a concert trained pianist (I'm just an old rock and roll keyboard player that drives nails for a living these days) and was the Music Director/Pianist at our church for several years, though I had said many years ago that I would never re-marry, after we met and started hanging around together, it just ended up being inevitable. We breed and show Bengal and Oriental Shorthair cats as a hobby since we both love animals (cats in particular). She was also a high performance car enthusiast with a fondness for mid '50s T-Birds, a NASCAR fan and she really wanted to experience a ride in a first gen Z/28, never was able to make that happen for her. I'm going to paste a short piece that I wrote on my Facebook status Tuesday evening, I think it expresses a little about how close we were.

"Janet, my beloved wife and best friend ever, heard God's Call today and answered it. I will miss her very, very much and tonight there is a huge part of my heart missing, you always knew how to cheer me up, make me smile and always encouraged me. I shall miss hearing you practice the piano and the breath taking pieces you performed. I will miss your running dialogue on the judges at a cat show, your dry wit and humour, I will miss gazing at you while you slept peacefully. The last 16 years of my life were brighter and fuller because you were part of it. And I will always love you for the rest of my years. Play for the Angels tonight, play on always, this is your encore."

I'm taking each day minute by minute at this point, some good, some bad, I know it will be a long process, but with help from my family and friends locally and all of my friends from forums of many different subject matters, I'll eventually get to the point I need to be.

Note: If the mods feel this is inappropriate to this forum, feel free to move it to another topic area, I won't be offended.
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