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Old 12-20-2012, 08:22 AM   #30

Drives: 2013 Dodge Charge R/T Plus AWD
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Niagara Falls, NY
Posts: 1,307
I always understood that insurance is for the VEHICLE and not the person driving the CAR. However, the insurance will show the normal drivers of said vehicle. So, let's change the situation around a little bit, you let your friend use your car for a day, he got into an accident, your insurance should still cover it, since the coverage is for the vehicle and not the driver. I am no insurance agent and I could be totally wrong here, but I believe that is how it works. So, my advice is don't sweat it, tell them the truth, that your mother was driving and get the vehicle fixed, by the sound of it, it was not even your mothers fault, so most likely the other drivers insurance will cover repairs.
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