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Old 07-10-2009, 11:42 PM   #13
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Location: Emerson, NJ
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Originally Posted by fbodfather View Post
NOTE TO Mods....pls leave this posted here -- but feel free to post in other sections as well.....I hope what follows may one day save a life..........

Hannan Road in Canton Township, Michigan is a contradiction in many ways……

There are warehouses --

--there are housing developments --

………..and yet there are also acres and acres of green fields and trees.

The fields and woods give this area a sense of peace.

That peace was shattered earlier this week when 1 young lady and four young men had their lives suddenly ended……all because of what appears to be a disregard for common traffic laws.

Jessica Sadler was only 14 -- she was riding with her friend, Eddie Gross. Joining them were brothers Sean and Terrance Harris. And driving the Black Ford Fusion was 19 year old Dan Broughton.

It was a warm July day -- not too hot, not too cold -- sunny -- a day of promise.

Coming from Pontiac, Michigan -- and traveling at over 60mph was Amtrak #353 -- heading to Chicago with 170 people on board. Many of the passengers had been in Michigan to attend a conference on Blindness -- many of them were, in fact, accompanied by their seeing-eye dogs.

The Norfolk-Southern Tracks intersect with Hannan Road.

A white SUV saw the lights begin to flash -- and the gates to drop -- and thus came to a complete stop.

What will never be known is why the Driver of the Black Ford Fusion decided to ‘blow by’ the white SUV -- at least 20 seconds after the gates had dropped………

The Amtrak engineer was following all protocols -- and of course blew the horn on the engine as required before every grade crossing.

We Camaro Enthusiasts have a good friend, "Turtle" Young.... who is a Railroad Engineer and lives in Austin, TX. He tells me that it’s unbelievable as to how many people try to outrun a train….and barely make it. I can’t imagine what it must do to a Railroad engineer’s adrenalin system each time this happens………..

As fate would have it, a video surveillance camera was operational at a nearby building and captures the horrible moments……..

…… can see the white SUV stopped --

………..suddenly the black Fusion appears traveling at a high rate of speed……

…………….it swerves around the SUV ……….still moving at a high rate of speed…..

…………..and then there’s the Amtrak train --

…………………and it hits the Fusion squarely in the B-pillar -- carrying it down the tracks for nearly 1,000 yards before the train can come to a complete stop……the Fusion practically ‘welded’ to the front of the train.

…………and you have to ask yourself: “Why is it that intelligent people refuse to pay attention to traffic signs and signals?”

Five young lives snuffed out in an instant.

Four Families grief stricken.

Several communities in shock.

………and I cannot imagine the horror that the Amtrak Engineer has had to endure -- even though he is faultless.

It would be easy to say: “well -- it’s fate”

……..and it would be easy to say “….oh no, more senseless deaths….” -- and then go on with our lives.

---which, of course, brings me to my rant:

People are becoming more and more lax in their driving habits.

I’m tired of seeing people “slow” to 10 miles an hour at stop signs.


I’m tired of people blowing thru red lights.

I'm tired of people who have evidently never been formally introduced to the turn signal lever in the car or truck in which they're driving.......

I’m tired of seeing people ‘yammering’ on their cellphones while driving…..

…………and don’t EVEN get me going on those who think it’s their God-given right to ‘text’ while behind the wheel -- or read their mail -- or put on makeup…….

Stop signs and Traffic Lights and Railroad Grade Crossing signs ARE NOT SUGGESTIONS!!!!

It’s time for us (…that’s you and me…) to lead by example.

It’s time for us to call others out for their bad behavior. (and don’t try to tell me that you or anyone else is capable of talking on a cell-phone and driving at the same time….I’ll bury you with facts and video!)


I was walking out of a Kroger Store this evening with my arms full of groceries…..

Luckily I’ve learned to look both ways -- even on a one-way street --

…….because sure enough -- a Lexus SUV was coming into the parking lot THE WRONG WAY on a one-way street…the driver ‘yammering away’ on his cell-phone.

I called out: “YOU’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!…”

(…………no, I did not use the word ‘ass’…..)

The Driver of said SUV gave me the finger………..

What happened next was absolutely priceless:

A woman who appeared to be in her 70s marched over to the SUV and proceeded to tear this guy apart verbally…….. And as she did, several people applauded her…..(me being one of them…)

So -- how ‘bout it?

Are you tired of reading about senseless deaths and injuries due to negligence?

It starts with us. (…….that’s you and me…….)

Speak up!

Talk to your children!

Talk to your nieces and nephews and neighbors!

..but do NOT think that it’s an ‘age’ thing.

People in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s are just as bad if not worse!

So call people out!

You MAY just save a life.......

It starts with us.....

……and that’s you and me…
Well just a suggestion Scott, why not make bluetooth standard in all vehicles from 2010 and on. People should be using their bluetooth systems in their car or a wireless bluetooth headset, which is what I use all the time. The bluetooth feature in the Gen 5 is priceless. Absolutely amazing, as it is safe! The new GM should really play up this feature and insurance companies should offer discounts for it if it takes off. Too many people with one hand on their cell phone and the other on the wheel. Tired of this crap!
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