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Old 10-15-2013, 11:17 AM   #169

Drives: 21 Bronco
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Carol Stream
Posts: 6,030
Originally Posted by Doc View Post
Hitting 160 on the straight in the rain was impressive and scary as hell. There's no question he had to back off once he hit the rain; he couldn't accelerate coming out of the corners because the back end was kicking loose when he tried. He was getting faster and faster before he hit the rain. This car will get below the 7:30 mark; no question in my mind.

Is it official that the power is 505 hp? I was expecting more like 525.

The handling looks superb. The steering ratio must be very quick; he was hardly moving his hands most of the time.

As for choosing this to be their "official" time... it's middle of October. I doubt weather conditions are going to do anything but get worse heading into winter. This was probably the last fairly decent chance they had this year.

Watching the way he was driving towards the end before the rain hit it looked like he realized it was about to and was literally throwing the car around the track trying to beat the rain but he didn't make it. They were probably radioing him from the pits. That he continued pushing as hard as he did in the wet was crazy but you could see the moment he hit the rain the back end was trying to kick around on him and he had to ease up somewhat.

Yeah....this car will run in the 7:20's.
So Doc, got to ask are you surprised/disappointed with the official time? You seemed pretty confident that the Z would be the fastest GM car to lap the ring
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