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Old 02-02-2014, 12:29 PM   #41

Drives: 62 Chevy & 2021 1SS/1LE manual
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kentucky
Posts: 893
mine came in friday. i dont have any pics yet but i will take some today. first impressions are that it looks like its well made. i get giggly when i look at it. i havent cut all the stuff off of it yet but it looks cool.
i dont want to be negative but the instructions are terrible. they assume that i put in roll bars for a living i guess. tim and the guys havebeen really cool so i dont want to start a bash but if i received instructions like this on a piece of automotive mfg equipment i would make the vendor send a tech out to show my people how to do it. until i read this thread again i assumed that they forgot to drill the backing plates. it did not say anywhere in the instructions that you have to drill them and no pics of under the car are provided.
it may turn out that im just over reacting because the instructions are not complete. if so, i will come back and say so. if the product goes in and does its job then ill be happy with it. usually when projects start out frustrating me, they go down hill from there. why wouldnt they just send specific instructions? not sure.
more later
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