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Old 06-14-2014, 10:28 AM   #718
Buick 455 Fan
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Originally Posted by Sweet Zness View Post
Do you always drive with your leg completely extended?

I'm going to guess by your smaller feet and extended legs that you are a smallish guy. So all rules governing ignition switches must be based off of how you particularly like to drive with the seat all the way back and leg extended driving with your tippy toes?

My leg, with seat pushed back ends up closer to in between the volume button and the climate controls. As a matter of fact I have many times accidentally changed the air flow with my knee while driving.
But then again on the other hand, must all cars' ignitions be built to suit the rules of your personal frame? What about Shaquille O'Neal? What about a midget?

I'm 5'8" tall and my leg appears as in that photo, although my knee is definitely bent and I can securely plant my feet flat on the floor behind the brake pedal - I do not now and have never driven 'toes on pedals' and neither do I drive with the steering wheel in my stomach.

The six way seat allows the utterly vast sweeping majority of drivers to achieve the correct driving position (if they chose to do that) but there will always be exceptions to whatever rules of body proportion we want to cite. In fact I would bet that 75% or 80% of Camaro drivers are completely in the wrong driving position through their size or by poor habit.

If your size is an issue there actually is a DIY mod that allows your drivers' seat to go further back.
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