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Old 02-02-2017, 04:36 PM   #5
Drives: GM Muscle Car Heaven
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: NorCal
Posts: 7
Thank you for the feedback! The vehicle wasn't purchased from a dealer so I'd say it's on me to determine how to handle the issue. I will take a closer look at the 5th bow & also try to figure out how to access / clean out the water management bag as well as a couple of the other things Jfoster mentioned...

As for the tonneau - I'm trying to find a decent price on one but it seems like all of the ones for sale under the $350 range are either from a 2011 or the seller conveniently doesn't know what year the car was... I am trying to stick with the p/n 29931371 mentioned above as it seems to be the better of the covers offered.

Thanks again for the feedback & if anyone else has suggestions I will greatly appreciate any info!
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