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Old 01-20-2013, 10:05 AM   #10
Drives: 2LS 2012 Black Camaro
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: New York
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by Gr8ride View Post
I drove my baby up there not long ago, and I can tell you this; I you dread taking your car to the mall, and freak out if someone dares park their POS within. 50 yards of your "Precious". If you would rather spend +3 hours washing and detailing your car and cringe at the thought of running it through an automatic car wash, then you might want to rethink driving or owning a Camaro in New York City. Its not for the faint of heart. After almost 20 hours of driving I was overwhelmed when I finally arrived.
Between people driving like rabid animals, Not having the slightes idea of WTF im going relying entirely on Gps. A zillion road signs. Potholes,,, Potholes everywhere! Paralel parking, just think about your cars with their pointy noses, wide hips and angled tail, just the thing for bumper to bumper parking..Im sure everyone here wants to hang one of those heavy, ugly bumper guards on....Not to mention the constant stereotypical fear of getting car jacked, or getting your radio boosted...(Its actually pretty safe)
On the other hand, a freshly washed and waxed black camaro looks absolutely Bad Ass on the city streets..
Thumbs up to you guys in NYC..
its always hard driving in NYC but when you get a fresh hand wash and bring your camaro to times square, its like people look at you like a celeb
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