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Old 01-14-2014, 10:43 PM   #371
April Powers
April Powers's Avatar
Drives: 2013 BRM 1le-2004 Wr450 supermoto
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Austin TX
Posts: 28
I don't get back handed comments. What I do get is people yelling at me in neighborhoods to "slow down." I NEVER speed in neighborhoods, my car is just loud. Sometimes I keep driving, sometimes I haven't had my coffee yet
A couple weeks after I bought my car I was driving through my neighborhood doing 25 (speed limit 30) A lady screams at me to slow down. I reverse in front of her house, and ask if there is a problem. She goes off on a rant about speeding and about how someone killed her cat. I asked her if she had a radar gun, and she looked at me like I was crazy. I then told her that I was doing 5 under, and that I live in the neighborhood and don't speed. She goes off on another tangent, and I tell her to save it for someone who's speeding. She was watering her lawn and got pissed off threw her hands in the air and sprayed my car. I wanted to lay down some fat strips in front of her house, but cooler heads prevailed. I went home and visited a neat website called
Click the link, you won't be disappointed
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