Conversation Between tribone and SSRS2010
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 49
Hey!!! Welcome back!!! IT WAS GREAT SEEING YOU GUYS AGAIN!! I'll take a look at the pics right now. So how were your business trips?
Hey Bro how are you ? It was SO COOL SEEING YOU It was good to hang too
I just posted our pics at "Defining Moments " C5
My brother from another mother. I am so there. I arrive in Jacksonville on Thursday night and I'll be at the Speedway on Friday morning. Are you guys still on schedule to go?
Hey Bro R U still on for C5 Feast ?
Thanks!! How have you guys been? Ready for Georgia?
Good Morning WOW Just looked at the pic Love the new LOOK Super Charged NICE
Hey Bro Just Stay WITH US AND WE WILL PICK YOU UP ON FRIDAY Morning and drop you off Monday Morning if that will work for you
Thanks. I'll let you know. I'm just trying to finish getting the money for the airfare and room. I will be arriving Friday God willing.
Now this just cool IF YOU NEED A PLACE TO STAY WITH OR ANY THIN OUR DOORS ARE OPEN FOR YOU BRO ANY THIN WE ARE STAYING AT THE Main hotel we have the room from that Thur to Live Monday You KNOW we need to hang some Now that your its going to be even BIGGER BRO
Cool. I will fly in. She is staying home.