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Created Showing Discussions 15 of 17 Replies Last Post
by cyberseal
02-17-2013 10:13 AM
20 years Military Police (Retired) 20 years City Police in Louisville, Ky (Retired) 5 years...
02-17-2013 10:13 AM
by rkksterbigd
04-08-2012 09:31 PM
Another new guy. 16 years of service.
I wanted to stop by and say hi to some brothers and sisters in blue and green. Active duty for 11...
04-08-2012 09:31 PM
by Firecsi
01-14-2012 02:13 PM
Another New Guy to add to the List
Hello all, I am a retired Fire Investigator From Cal Fire / Northshore Fire Protection District in...
01-14-2012 02:13 PM
by Firecsi Go to last post
by fireresq157
04-09-2009 08:32 PM
Police Camaro Pics
Federal - state- local police Camaro Pics post them here.
09-05-2011 12:44 PM
by BBD Go to last post
by Fightinfire921
03-11-2011 09:14 AM
I am very proud to have joined this group and I'm open for friendships. I know it gets old, but...
03-11-2011 09:14 AM
by Ezvector
02-02-2011 11:14 PM
Hello everyone....
My 2011 SS should be delivered in about 8 weeks cant wait!!!! retired NCPD :respekt:
02-02-2011 11:14 PM
by bad camaro
04-13-2010 08:49 AM
police eq
ha if any one needs any eq from the club call me i own A&J police eq in brooklyn i will take care...
11-27-2010 01:24 PM
by Firecapt10
08-24-2009 09:50 AM
Have you seen this video?
This is by Michael Israel and is 7 minutes long, make sure your speakers are on because that’s a...
10-10-2010 09:53 PM
by 1425 Go to last post
by 1425
10-08-2010 03:30 PM
One more new guy
Greeting All My name is Bill Henson I have been with BCFD (Albuqueruqe, NEW Mexcio)for the past...
10-08-2010 03:30 PM
by 1425 Go to last post
by fireresq157
04-07-2009 10:30 PM
Any interesting calls or pictures lately?
06-22-2010 11:03 PM
by ss873
06-01-2010 09:46 AM
new join
just a lowly first responder in PA but have in-laws and many friends in the police, fire and EMS...
06-01-2010 09:46 AM
by ss873 Go to last post
by NS2SS
04-29-2010 11:22 AM
New Camaro
Hi everyone. New member to this site. Just took delivery of my Camaro last week. it's the white one...
04-29-2010 11:22 AM
by NS2SS Go to last post
by RobbieSS
04-12-2010 11:49 PM
Greetings from St Petersburg Florida
I just learned about the group forum. I'm an officer in St Pete. I always wondered how many LEOs we...
04-12-2010 11:49 PM
by sleddog
04-12-2010 10:50 AM
New guy on this site
Just wanted to say HI, new to this site, 20 years Law Enforcement in Alaska. Been Retired for past...
04-12-2010 06:40 PM
by scaldedchevy
04-12-2010 09:40 AM
hello all...glad to see a group on here for us. been a police officer/paramedic for going on ten...
04-12-2010 10:45 AM

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