I don't know how "big" into it I am, but I sure love it when I get the chance & plan to do it some more. Our club had a drag race event and it was a huge permagrin inducing day. I actually beat a suprecharged V8 in my lowly V6. Okay, he got loose but as one guy told me "You still won, 'cause spinnin' ain't winnin' ". LOL

Then a 3 of us met up at at Beech Bend dragway on an open day when you could pay $10 & make as many runs as you wanted. That day was also great fun. Especially when I beat a guy in a V6 Mustang. Okay he beat me the first time, but I beat him the second. Funny hting is he had been standing around talking to us in between runs all day until I beat him. Then we never saw him again. I guess It bruised his fragile male ego to be beaten by a Girl in a Camaro. LOL

. I can't wait for more events this spring & especially for C5 Fest!!!!!!!!!!!!!