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Camarodriver Camarodriver is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. Mikamaro
    05-03-2013 04:38 PM
    WHat's up?
    Still enjoying that beautifull Sumiit white 2011 SS-RS?
  2. Droid6
    07-22-2010 10:37 PM
    The first thing I did was get new rims:

    Then I upgraded the audio system (no pics of that yet).

    Then I installed springs and sway bars:

    I just bought a K&N Aircharger intake and the Flowmaster axleback mufflers that should be here early next week!
  3. scrapn4me
    07-08-2010 10:22 PM
    soory for the late reply if i didn't already but i have a long learning curve to these forums lol
    thanks for all the complements. my wife and i have wanted a 69 Camaro since we got married just couldn't afford a nice one but now shes got to have the warranty for piece of mind so i put all the 69 emblems and stripes on her so we kinda got the best of both worlds
  4. RickRay
    06-27-2010 10:03 PM
    Hi your message below for the addresses & Links...
  5. RickRay
    06-06-2010 10:16 AM
    Why not meet your fellow C5 Members on a weekly basis.
    Hope to see you guys come out to the Meet & greet on Fridays -Centropolis De Laval

    Up coming events:
    Camaro Nationals St. Catherine Ont. June 12-13
    GM Nationals in Carlisle PA. USA June 25-27
    HineyFest July 31st / August 1st
    Oshawa Meet & Greet 2 - Aug 20-22 BBOMG

    Thanks / Merci

  6. Phantom.5SS
    04-14-2010 05:50 PM
    Thanks for the kind response...been a Camaro lover since I was little, I'm hopeing the new ragtop comes in some sort of blue similar to my cars...if not it will have to be White....thats a nice canvas to work with when custom painting.
    Wish you could have kept the 75 AND gotten the 2LT. Keep em flyin!!!
  7. Camarodriver
    02-11-2010 09:05 AM
    Wow , Doug. That's great to hear! I will always have a soft spot for the second gen cars, especiaally the 74-77 battle ram bumper cars. I had many comments over the years about how my 75 was the ugliest of those years, but I disagree. There is a look to those cars that is quite unique. It's the best for a daily driver as the earlier and later models all had "soft" noses that always got scuffed up. My 75, like your 74, Was a tank and never got dinged up, even when people backed into that super tough 70's bumper! Enjoy it and keep posting pix of her! Keep them all alive! eN
  8. WMCC Doug
    02-11-2010 01:29 AM
    WMCC Doug
    Hi Camarodriver,

    Thanks for the compliments. It feels great to have the old '74 back on the road. I bought it new in 1974 and put it away in 1986 to do a resto-mod to it. Well, "life happened" and all of a sudden, it was 20 years later, and the Camaro was still in the garage on a rotisserie!. With the help of several great friends we got her back on the road and brought up to date. I still have some refinements to do, the biggest will be adding AC to it.

    I plan to drive it a lot this summer.
  9. Mikamaro
    01-11-2010 06:51 PM
    Yes, It's my first Camaro and my first brand New car. I saw a Yellow SS with black stripes on St-Jacques going east one morning before christmas in the snow. My friend just got the Black LS with the ground effect and the 19" black rims Wheel that was in the LAval 440 dealer showroom. He's drinving it too in the snow...with summer tires on top of it...He ordered the winter tires should have them by now. My production date is set for January 18th. I'm not going to pick it up before march 15th....there's no point doing so with the winter tires regulation, plus I'm not going to drive it in winter.
    their you go!
    see you soon on Monkland
  10. Camarodriver
    01-10-2010 10:29 PM
    I have not bumped into a single other 2010 Camaro since the snow started... I wonder if I am the only winter driving freak on the island of MTL? To answer your question, I was "UP" GM's and my dealers' ass to get that info. I know when I placed my order, blasted my dealer when they lied to me about when they got allocation, but got the date (finally) on Oct 1st, shortly thereafter I called GM and they called me back with a production date,I called them back to confirm that it was in production (no delays) and the dealer called me to tell me what I already knew that it was finished production and that it was shipping out within a week and then it was a day or two waiting game until they told me it came in "late last night" apparently the trucks arrive late at night to avoid traffic etc. I went to see "her" that night and picked up my new sweet ride two days later after the dealer rust treatment and additional clear coat and leather treatment.

    Is this your first Camaro?


About Me

  • About Camarodriver
    1975 Camaro, 2010 2LT, 2011/2SSrs
  • Signature
    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition by the mediocre mind.... Al E
    2010 Summit White 2LT Camaro <-(GONE)*New 2011 2SS/RS SW M6 OEM Hurst shifter ordered Oct 7th, 2010

    The perma-grin effect pictured above by a good buddy giving me a ride in my Camaro!
    Used 75 Camaro = $3500
    Rolling restoration over 10 years = $5000
    $5 of gas burned in 10 seconds = Priceless!


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  • Last Activity: 03-24-2019 10:01 AM
  • Join Date: 08-11-2009
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