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Kiwi2SSRS Kiwi2SSRS is offline

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  1. Kiwi_Camaro_2010
    06-10-2013 03:39 AM
    Hey Andrew, all done working on car, just swapped out spark plugs for Camro ZL1 delco's, NGK's were too cold & starting to foul up, also just finished catch cans install, took off RX Catch can which everyone reckons to use but found it too restrictive in air flow causing rear main seal to push oil out under full boost, all working good now. Finally finished tune with ted Jannetty, got SCT box to read AFR to laptop now, so can do remote tune any time now. The tensioner came with the Whipple, so don't know if it would fit any other brand properly, but definitely got some pull on it. Got ya license back yet?
    cheers Gary
  2. Cruze1
    02-02-2013 09:34 PM
    Sweet joined that, Im from Invercargill. couple of camaros down here, cant wait for mine to arrive!
  3. Kiwi_Camaro_2010
    09-29-2012 03:54 AM
    Used 3ft bar to undo, loosen rear cradle mounts as far as you can without falling out, slowly lower jack, tank will slide out, make sure tank running on empty, leave tank half up under car, puts a bit of strain on top wiring but ok. this gives you full access to pump, using special tool "very necessary" I had to use tool with 3ft bar to get it to unlock, while holding tank from moving. Gets bit messy pulling pump, unclip hose & wiring, then basically re-install using ZL1 pump, test before putting all back together, exhaust unplugged sounds good, next job is BAP install, then oil cooler leak.
  4. Kiwi_Camaro_2010
    09-29-2012 03:54 AM
    Well, ZL1 pump in, took me 5Hrs, "old boy" wasn't really pleasant but done, forgot to take photo's until putting back together, but not very good quality used old phone, not sure how to post them in post. Here's my instructions that work for me, tried as many short cuts I could fine.Jacked car as high as I could get, removed both rear wheels, jack stands on body at rear, uncliped hoses & plugs I could access including filler hose, removed exhaust, if you have mudflap moldings they need to be half unscrewed to remove exhaust, remove heat shields remove driveshaft, unclip handbrake cabling from front & bend back behind diff, used exhaust mounts to hold brake cables, using long extension undo rear fuel tank mounts but not all way, undo front fuel tank mounts all the way, unclip plastic retainers, jack diff with wood, undo front main cradle bolt,s remove.
  5. Kiwi_Camaro_2010
    09-23-2012 08:58 PM
    Hi Andrew, still waiting for Whipple to arrive, it's sitting in customs in Auckland, just got to pay $1200 bucs gst to get it released. I spent all day Saturday on car, put new back end on, looks like when I bought it now, also got the urge & installed ebach swaybar kit, sits flat as roun corners now, my hoist mate got new woman in his life so pulling tank out this weekend on jack stands in shed for ZL1 pump, that will be interesting.

About Me

  • About Kiwi2SSRS
    2010 camaro 2SS RS white
    New Zealand


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  • Last Activity: 05-13-2022 01:43 AM
  • Join Date: 04-15-2012
  • Referrals: 0


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