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wullger 03-10-2012 12:00 PM

Weather forecast doesn't look cruise-friendly for today, especially for anyone driving in--check the regional radar with what's on the way:

[removed pic, current radar won't make sense in this post now]

Nicklongino 03-10-2012 12:43 PM

THE RAIN WILL NOT STOP ME!!! I will still be at hasting's in Tyler waiting in the rain probably lonesome exactly at 4pm!! :)

CINDER02 03-10-2012 01:13 PM

Do you think it will be bad for the drive from Plano down there? That's a long drive to do it in a storm :'(

CINDER02 03-10-2012 03:50 PM

Okay slow ones... Jack in the box is making me hungry ;)

sjmorrow 03-10-2012 06:13 PM

How was the turnout? I really wanted to come, but that radar looked horrible. Maybe next month.

mySSt 03-10-2012 07:35 PM

Enjoyed meeting all who made it today and talking about the cars and club ideas. Looking forward to the cruise next month!

Nicklongino 03-10-2012 07:56 PM

Yea we had a great time morrow. I wouldn't have advised anyone to drive too far just for a little meet/cruise haha but Cinder did it and ragged on my GIRL!!! exhaust :(. Other than that everything was good :)

Btw Next Saturday I want to have a little get together hopefully it will be sunny!! Maybe grab some dinner cruise around talk about my GIRL Exhaust and have some fun!

wullger 03-10-2012 08:49 PM

Next Saturday is St. Pattie's day! :drinking:

Elvis 03-10-2012 09:17 PM

Our second car club meeting turned out good today despite the bad weather. We had two new members attend and one drove from Plano Texas which is at least two hours away and the other one lives inTyler.
We did get some time when the rain let up to take few photos and look at each others cars some.
We are planning a Cruise next routine meeting date on April 14 but will meet at Jack in Box near Target in Tyler at 3pm, cruise down 69 South, make a few stops for photos, then return to JIB parking lot for more photos and car inspections, questions and answers from owners. The two new members are Cindero2 and MySSt...welcome to you both.
I will pm members contact numbers and email addresses.
If the weather looks like it will be bad on April 14, the alternate date is following Saturday, April 21.....both at 3 pm for cruise, planning the cruise to be approximately 1 to 1.5 hours round trip..then back to JIB.
Physical address of JIB is 6915 S Broadway, Tyler Tx
We realize others would have attended but weather hampered some..hope to see you next time.
Thanks for all the suggestions in this meeting..Took notes and they can be discussion items for future meets.

sjmorrow 03-10-2012 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Nicklongino (Post 4624277)
Yea we had a great time morrow. I wouldn't have advised anyone to drive too far just for a little meet/cruise haha but Cinder did it and ragged on my GIRL!!! exhaust :(. Other than that everything was good :)

Btw Next Saturday I want to have a little get together hopefully it will be sunny!! Maybe grab some dinner cruise around talk about my GIRL Exhaust and have some fun!

Cinder! That is so rude... Haha.

Nick, next time you see Cinder, just rag on here inability to get ANYWHERE without her OnStar GPS haha.

Glad ya'll had a good time. I'll be in East TX saturday having lunch with my family, so depending on what time yall meet up, I might come join.

Nicklongino 03-10-2012 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by sjmorrow (Post 4625040)
Cinder! That is so rude... Haha.

Nick, next time you see Cinder, just rag on here inability to get ANYWHERE without her OnStar GPS haha.

Glad ya'll had a good time. I'll be in East TX saturday having lunch with my family, so depending on what time yall meet up, I might come join.

It's ok Morrow we made fun of her melted diffuser :bellyroll:. But if you need my number pm me and we can see what we can do this saturday.

And Elvis you are awesome for posting the next meet details for all of us to see.:headbang:

CINDER02 03-12-2012 01:11 PM

All right you two... I'm 1: pretty much amazing at directions, and 2: I only have a melted diffuser because I like the look :)

Oh and Steven if you plan on heading out to Tyler on the 14th, let me know, the trip would be a little more fun with someone else driving too :)

CINDER02 03-12-2012 01:14 PM

Sorry it's a bit late, I suck at trying to get these on the computer!!!

sjmorrow 03-12-2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by CINDER02 (Post 4631282)
All right you two... I'm 1: pretty much amazing at directions, and 2: I only have a melted diffuser because I like the look :)

Oh and Steven if you plan on heading out to Tyler on the 14th, let me know, the trip would be a little more fun with someone else driving too :)

I would definitely be down for the 14th, but that is the same day as that cruise for charity in Kileen, remember? (

We would have to make a decision on which one to go to.

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