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babaron 04-09-2014 08:58 PM

Where would you go??
I am planning to leave this salt ridden state with its schizophrenic weather and pot-hole mine field roads for a warmer climate at some point in the not-too-distant future and would like to settle in a place where driving and caring for my cars is a pleasant, year-round activity.

I know that some places may look nice from a distance, but living there reveals problems that could not be anticipated beforehand.

What say Camaro5 members from around the USA about the best place to retire and enjoy year-round, top-down, out-door, problem free...

Cosmetic Maintenance: Washing, Waxing, Detailing, Bodywork, Protection ?

CamaroDreams07 04-09-2014 09:08 PM

It's not fully year-round, but the Dallas suburbs are where I long for. Plano specifically. You're guaranteed to get one ice storm a year, but that's only a week or so.

I moved there for 6 years for college/grad school and it's just such a wonderful place. The weather is great, the PEOPLE are so friendly, the culture is just so different than it is up north. People take care of one another. And the cost of living is very cheap compared to up here.

I moved back up to Michigan almost a year ago for work and haven't stopped thinking about when I'll be able to get back there. I had forgotten what a colossal armpit Michigan is in literally every aspect other than craft beers.

I just took my girlfriend down to visit two weeks ago and she instantly fell in love. Things she said "Everyone is so nice and happy" "It's so clean"

Driving pros:
3 lane divided highways for almost all city streets --> 45mph speed limits
Texas mile
Proper parking lots, none of this 45 degree embanked entrance bullshit we have up here

Driving Cons:
Traffic on interstates during rush hours (7-9 and 4-7).
High percentage of idiot drivers (merge onto highway and move over four lanes at once without looking is a common maneuver)
Red light cameras often rigged with 2-second yellows (disgusting revenue grabbing)
Your Camaro will not be very cool there :) Dallas has a TON of very very nice cars. I saw 3 Ferraris and a Rolls Royce in an hour walking downtown.

13lstuner 04-09-2014 09:39 PM

If you want your car to be cool where you move. Move down here to alabammer... All we have is huge trucks and ricers... Oh tons and tons and tons of mustangs too lol. Litterally see atleast 5-10 mustangs a day and that's a conservative guess.

But as CD said the south is just different. The culture is better and the people are MUCH nicer. People down here will give you the shirt off of you back at any point and especially when you are in need.

For example, my grandfather was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer . So the bills/copays/perscriptions etc. that their insurance won't cover adds up quickly. So everyone in their community went and bought things (ranging from pie to TVs) and donated them to a benifit held in his name. Everyone placed bids on these items and all of the proceedes went to him. It ended up being well over $7,000.

Some more basic things are just holding doors open for people and saying hi, hello, sir, and ma'am.

I got weird looks when I've been up north for holding doors open for ladies.. Needless to say I don't go up north often..

JTruck 04-09-2014 11:03 PM


ChadG 04-09-2014 11:55 PM

If you can afford it join us hippies in California . . . Bay Area (I prefer the peninsula south of San Francisco personally) specifically. Our climate is about the most temperate in the US, people FREAK OUT if it gets into the 40's and most houses (including mine) don't even have air conditioning because it's really not needed.

13lstuner 04-09-2014 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by ChadG (Post 7568855)
If you can afford it join us hippies in California . . . Bay Area (I prefer the peninsula south of San Francisco personally) specifically. Our climate is about the most temperate in the US, people FREAK OUT if it gets into the 40's and most houses (including mine) don't even have air conditioning because it's really not needed.

If it weren't for the crazy laws I would love to come there! I can only imagine how scenic and beautiful it is .

AmericanMuscleCars 04-10-2014 07:32 AM

Come on down to florida, no snow down here. A lot of camaros but if yours is modded you'll definitely stand out. Car show season all year long.

Spartan01 04-10-2014 07:37 AM

Im gonna go with Australia.

LBreezie 04-10-2014 07:44 AM

don't come to pennsylvania haha, Its not that much of a pain to keep the car clean for me. I would move to south carolina

Spartan01 04-10-2014 07:51 AM

Seriously, I am considering hopping the pond to the land down under.
Warm all year- check
Cool people- check
sexually agressive women- double check
lots of long wide open stretches of rod to let the Camaro strech its legs- check
lots of crazy ways to die, including spiders, snakes, and sharks- check
the home of "The Last of The V8 Interceptors"- check
I am hard pressed to find a down side...

AmericanMuscleCars 04-10-2014 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Spartan01 (Post 7569236)
Seriously, I am considering hopping the pond to the land down under.
Warm all year- check
Cool people- check
sexually agressive women- double check
lots of long wide open stretches of rod to let the Camaro strech its legs- check
lots of crazy ways to die, including spiders, snakes, and sharks- check
the home of "The Last of The V8 Interceptors"- check
I am hard pressed to find a down side...

It's not 'Merica… :lol:

Spartan01 04-10-2014 09:52 AM

he didn't ask for places in America, he asked for advice from people from around America.

AmericanMuscleCars 04-10-2014 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan01 (Post 7569557)
he didn't ask for places in America, he asked for advice from people from around America.

I know I was just trying to be funny. Starting to think I'm not very good at it...

ec1990 04-10-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan01 (Post 7569236)
Seriously, I am considering hopping the pond to the land down under.
Warm all year- check
Cool people- check
sexually agressive women- double check
lots of long wide open stretches of rod to let the Camaro strech its legs- check
lots of crazy ways to die, including spiders, snakes, and sharks- check
the home of "The Last of The V8 Interceptors"- check
I am hard pressed to find a down side...

Too bad the Holden and Falcon lines are pretty much done.

ChadG 04-10-2014 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by AmericanMuscleCars (Post 7569191)
Come on down to florida, no snow down here. A lot of camaros but if yours is modded you'll definitely stand out. Car show season all year long.

I couldn't do Florida because of all the bugs . . .

I went for a run the last time I was down there and came back looking like someone sprinkled pepper all over me there were so many bugs - and it wasn't even love bug season.

13lstuner 04-10-2014 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by ChadG (Post 7571769)
I couldn't do Florida because of all the bugs . . .

I went for a run the last time I was down there and came back looking like someone sprinkled pepper all over me there were so many bugs - and it wasn't even love bug season.

Alabama isn't as bad but it's still bad... And don't even get me started on birds...:mad2:

babaron 04-11-2014 04:59 PM

Thanks everyone. I'm leaning towards California but Texas does sound interesting. Perhaps others of you in California and Texas can offer additional thoughts.

Dyk-NO 04-11-2014 05:04 PM

coming from alaska and getting my license soon on medical lab, I am considering moving to warmer states, first on my list is texas :)

jshaf 04-11-2014 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by 13lstuner (Post 7568507)
All we have is huge trucks and ricers... Oh tons and tons and tons of mustangs too lol. Litterally see atleast 5-10 mustangs a day and that's a conservative guess.

sounds like the demographic around here only here it's colder and more depressed

its a syn 04-11-2014 07:45 PM

Springfield, Missouri is a good place. Not to hot , not to cold. Middle of the country to get to anywhere in your retirement travels.

ec1990 04-11-2014 08:19 PM

San Antonio is a good city. Cheap to live in, a bit of history, and Austin is only an hour away. Temperature ranges from 30-100 year round. Traffic is nothing crazy.

AG1LE 04-11-2014 08:23 PM

I was in Tucson AZ recently - very nice

ChadG 04-11-2014 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by babaron (Post 7573892)
Thanks everyone. I'm leaning towards California but Texas does sound interesting. Perhaps others of you in California and Texas can offer additional thoughts.

I was born and raised in Texas, lived there for 21 years and there are two towns there that in my opinion can go up against anything any other state has to offer and those are Austin and San Antonio. LOVE those towns. But the Texas sun will put the royal smack down on you and your paint if you're not careful - make sure you've got shade to do your detailing.

The worst thing about living in California is the cost of living, but some parts of California are as beautiful as it gets.

In the Bay Area we're less than an hour away from the coast, 2 hours from Lake Tahoe, less than two hours from Monterey, 2 hours to Sonoma/Napa, 4 hours from Yosemite, so it's pretty great.

otter 04-12-2014 05:42 PM

For driving I am going to say Sonoma County in northern California. The weather is good for driving. There are miles of back roads through beautiful vineyards to cruise or you can follow highway one along the rugged coastline.

Nor Cal ZL1 04-13-2014 12:01 AM

California has some great places, but the cost of living can be pretty high near the best places. If you prefer the cool stay coastal, hot central or southern. Sacramento is a good middle ground, but I prefer Sonoma county area. Not very mod friendly state if modding is your thing.

jd4eva98 04-27-2014 01:25 PM

subs of phoenix Arizona some where around gilbert or chandler nice weather year round down side is summer when it gets to 115 degrees but other than that perfect place no snow car shows year round you could join the azallgens Camaro club we meet at the pavilions every second Saturday of the month and have a whole section reserved for Camaros fun time nice people

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