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GTAHVIT 06-06-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5079563)
Just say the word and I'll handle up on it with no personal bias...

PQ, so far gone we'll forget he was ever here...
Mr Twisty... hmmmm
PQ, perma-banned
Justicepete, semi-perma-banned
PQ, B'tch slapped off this and every other board I can find him on...

Mlee, so gone...
PQ, I'll make sure Bonnie's wife never shows his face around here again...
Garcmol, he can stay...
Zebra... hmmmm, he can stay...
PQ, gotta go...
Becky....:wub: She can stay...

Just say it Capt...



Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 5080014)
If we cut you in on the profits would that help?

wow, you're good...


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5080026)
See GTA... salvaged...:D :respekt: :bellyroll:


Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 5080033)
It hurts to laugh this hard :cry: :bellyroll: :cry: :sm0: :drinking:


Originally Posted by Darth_Emma (Post 5081138)
What is going on in here? :paddle:


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 5081148)
Chaos, with a side of anarchy. :D



Originally Posted by Mr Twisty (Post 5081206)
Chris crashed into a big truck... from the carnage I'd say he was probably street racing and got sideways.

..... that's what Randy told me anyways :laugh:

:mad0260: :mad0259:


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 5081685)
:bellyroll: :bellyroll: :bellyroll:

Did you get my reportation? :sm0:


PQ has reported this post:

Which is part of this thread:
GTAHVIT's Tom Henry Racing (THR22) Build Thread.

This is the reason that the user gave:
This guy is picking on m...................... oh ......... wait.............. LMMFAO!!! hahaha


Originally Posted by Mr Twisty (Post 5082058)
Scared to come into his own build thread

If he deleted all the uhh... irrelevant data... his journal would be 3 pages long :sm0:

But then it wouldn't be My journal... ;)


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 5082097)
:confused0068: Only head to head records count. LOL

BUT, on the drag strip I am undefeated.

I thought I might go ahead and retire having never been beaten. :bellyroll:

But like Rocky and the bullies he fought, I gotta go after one more. LMAO :fighting0030:

I win I win. LMAO

Story of my friendship with Randy...

PQ 06-06-2012 01:36 PM


It's my insecurities. LOL

mlee 06-06-2012 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 5082507)
Story of my friendship with Randy...

:bellyroll: It never ends...:drinking:

PQ 06-06-2012 01:50 PM

Wether he knows it or not he's my bestest buddy. :happy0180:

So I have to beat him down on the boards. :bellyroll:

HufferSS 06-06-2012 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 5082369)
And I don't have any mods to have my back against their own. :laugh:

You guys stick together pretty well.

So I have to tactfully and stealthily avoid the battles on the strip I can't win outrite and pick my battles well here on the site. (haven't won one of those YET, lol)

Rent you my car for a dollar and some hair if I end up needing it. :D

Mr Twisty 06-06-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 5082590)
:bellyroll: It never ends...:drinking:

Good... it makes me :laugh:


This is the reason that the user gave:
This guy is picking on m...................... oh ......... wait.............. LMMFAO!!! hahaha

garcmol 06-06-2012 02:07 PM


PQ has reported this post:

Which is part of this thread:
GTAHVIT's Tom Henry Racing (THR22) Build Thread.

This is the reason that the user gave:
This guy is picking on m...................... oh ......... wait.............. LMMFAO!!! hahaha

So this is what a reported post looks like? Wondered how they look to youz.

zebra 06-06-2012 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5079563)
Just say the word and I'll handle up on it with no personal bias...

PQ, so far gone we'll forget he was ever here...
Mr Twisty... hmmmm
PQ, perma-banned
Justicepete, semi-perma-banned
PQ, B'tch slapped off this and every other board I can find him on...
Mlee, so gone...
PQ, I'll make sure Bonnie's wife never shows his face around here again...
Garcmol, he can stay...
zebra... hmmmm, he can stay...
PQ, gotta go...
Becky....:wub: She can stay...

Just say it Capt...

yay, i'd hate to miss the shenannigans... er.... i mean.... episodes...

...stories - yeah, that's it - stories that happen here :thumbsup:

GTAHVIT 06-07-2012 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 5084955)
yay, i'd hate to miss the shenannigans... er.... i mean.... episodes...

...stories - yeah, that's it - stories that happen here :thumbsup:

Shoot you are a charter member :D

PQ 06-07-2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 5089942)
Shoot you are a charter member :D


GTAHVIT 06-07-2012 05:14 PM

OK... Becky and Maureen at Rodgers Chevrolet are the BOMB.


The estimate I got from insurance to replace the front fascia was significantly higher than I originally expected... Enough that it is worth it to get a ZL1 front fascia for THR22.

I know I've said it 1,000 times. I'm super loyal to Tom Henry. And take nothing away from them, they've always bent over backwards for me whenever I need them.....

BUT, Becky and Maureen are so easy to work with and have done so much for this site and the Fest that if I need a GM part/product I just have to call them first.

So, sometime next week I should have everything I need to get the ZL1 front end installed. :D

Thanks so much to Becky and Maureen :respekt:

Now I need to decide if I want to do any custom paint.... :D

garcmol 06-07-2012 05:16 PM

Sweet!!! Maureen got me my side skirts. They rock!

SSE 4 2SS 06-07-2012 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 5090008)
OK... Becky and Maureen at Rodgers Chevrolet are the BOMB.


The estimate I got from insurance to replace the front fascia was significantly higher than I originally expected... Enough that it is worth it to get a ZL1 front fascia for THR22.

I know I've said it 1,000 times. I'm super loyal to Tom Henry. And take nothing away from them, they've always bent over backwards for me whenever I need them.....

BUT, Becky and Maureen are so easy to work with and have done so much for this site and the Fest that if I need a GM part/product I just have to call them first.

So, sometime next week I should have everything I need to get the ZL1 front end installed. :D

Thanks so much to Becky and Maureen :respekt:

Now I need to decide if I want to do any custom paint.... :D


Can't wait to see it... SZSL1

GTAHVIT 06-07-2012 05:26 PM

I need Mlee in here to tell me what harness he got for the DRL/Halo/fog lights.

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