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GTAHVIT 02-19-2010 10:01 AM

Dammit PETE! :sm0:

Oh and to the rest of you.....


:sm0: :sm0:

I can't even create an alias username and start a new thread... cus Dragon will dime me out and merge it with this one...

Expalin to me why I'm "sharing" all of this with all of you again.....


PQ 02-19-2010 11:23 AM

Because your wife don't care bout the car and we do. :laugh:

Tom Henry Racing 02-19-2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by camaropete (Post 1498551)
Here he is now. Sad how he just stands there starring out the door like the car is going to drive itself down to FL.

Tom, any chance you could work some flames into the design like this?

No problem, orange for sure. And we could use those white plates for covers on the compact spares.

speedster 02-19-2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1499281)
No problem, orange for sure. And we could use those white plates for covers on the compact spares.

I think the white plates should be the primary wheels. I am sure you could find some nice 20" Chinette wheels. I thought "kiln-dried" was right up there with forged. It would fit right in with the Day-Glo orange undercarriage and the snow.

Blade 02-19-2010 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1498746)
Dammit PETE! :sm0:

Oh and to the rest of you.....


:sm0: :sm0:

I can't even create an alias username and start a new thread... cus Dragon will dime me out and merge it with this one...

Expalin to me why I'm "sharing" all of this with all of you again.....


We are still talkin about cars?

GTAHVIT 02-19-2010 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1499324)
We are still talkin about cars?

No idea.

PQ 02-19-2010 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by speedster (Post 1499297)
I think the white plates should be the primary wheels. I am sure you could find some nice 20" Chinette wheels.


Mr Twisty 02-19-2010 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1499324)
We are still talkin about cars?

This thread turned into PWA IV awhile back :laugh:

Tom Henry Racing 02-19-2010 06:58 PM

Why don't we take a thread poll and decide what I should do next to Chris's car? Agent orange, flames, china wheels etc. I will then alter and provide photo proof.:thumbsup:

Inspector 17 02-19-2010 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1500533)
Why don't we take a thread poll and decide what I should do next to Chris's car? Agent orange, flames, china wheels etc. I will then alter and provide photo proof.:thumbsup:

Both? :iono:

Number 3 02-19-2010 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1500533)
Why don't we take a thread poll and decide what I should do next to Chris's car? Agent orange, flames, china wheels etc. I will then alter and provide photo proof.:thumbsup:

Well Tom, since you ask........

First you have to give GTA all the go you promised so the SC is a given.

But the "extra" that will gaaarrrohhnnteeeeeee a "memorable" experience for Chris and probably no loss of future business for you should include the following, some as already suggested.

Hydraulic suspension for low and hi ridin'

Enough subwoofer so that the Florida license plate goes, Baaazzzzzzzzttttttt bat buzzzzzzzz bap bwap buhhhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz at every stop light while he is playing "the wheels on the bus go round and round" for the kids.

A side hinged hood with a mirror on in underside to show of the SC

Spinners...............yes, I mean the hubcaps. Further they should be the ones that light up at night while you are driving and programmed to spell out, "look at my bad a$$ Camaro" while he is driving

And as a nostalgic touch, take out the 4 gage cluster and replace it with an 8-track player/CB radio combo. This should go nicely with the 8 foot CB antennae that will fit in at every truck stop from Pennsylvania to Florida.

Any other thoughts on "extras"?

Inspector 17 02-19-2010 08:02 PM


How about anything on this car?

I am at present scouring the Interwebz to find him a coat like that.

Blade 02-19-2010 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1500533)
Why don't we take a thread poll and decide what I should do next to Chris's car? Agent orange, flames, china wheels etc. I will then alter and provide photo proof.:thumbsup:

Umm.....nuke it?

Just askin' :iono:

Mr. Wyndham 02-19-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Number 3 (Post 1500691)
Any other thoughts on "extras"?

Oh yes...

He needs a VERY quiet exhaust system to keep the old ladies down in Florida content.

He'll need one of his cupholders converted into an orange-juice machine and linked to the middle box (which will be full of oranges).

He'll also need underglow...Orange. All self-respecting people have underglow, right? And Chris strikes me as an orangey kinda of guy.

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