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Mr Twisty 08-09-2011 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3593732)
No way in hell!!!!

Its awesome that we ware always looking out for each other.

Feel free to keep checking on me. :respekt:

But we should probably do more of that in Randy's threads. He only has so many fingers. :D

I noticed his smiley just has one left :D

Yup, tape your paint before you drill :w00t:
Can also use it to outline where it's gonna go, if it accidentally moves on you it won't scratch your paint. (did that make sense?)

Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 3593741)
Pasties are easier to work with...


GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 3593793)
I noticed his smiley just has one left :D

Yup, tape your paint before you drill :w00t:



garcmol 08-09-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3593846)

yes. and it's better if you tape the entire trunk lid and the rear quarter panels as well. Then take a magic marker and draw lines were the body panels meet so you know where those are. Then a red magic marker and color in where your sidemarkers should be. Oh and put and arrow pointing to the back of the car so you know where it's at.

Best of luck. You can do this.

SSE 4 2SS 08-09-2011 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3593879)
yes. and it's better if you tape the entire trunk lid and the rear quarter panels as well. Then take a magic marker and draw lines were the body panels meet so you know where those are. Then a red magic marker and color in where your sidemarkers should be. Oh and put and arrow pointing to the back of the car so you know where it's at.

Best of luck. You can do this.

:facepalm: Chris, you're in good hands bro...

GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 3593793)
I noticed his smiley just has one left :D

Yup, tape your paint before you drill :w00t:
Can also use it to outline where it's gonna go, if it accidentally moves on you it won't scratch your paint. (did that make sense?)


Hell yes makes perfect sense.

GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3593879)
yes. and it's better if you tape the entire trunk lid and the rear quarter panels as well. Then take a magic marker and draw lines were the body panels meet so you know where those are. Then a red magic marker and color in where your sidemarkers should be. Oh and put and arrow pointing to the back of the car so you know where it's at.

Best of luck. You can do this.

Thanks Norm!


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 3593890)
:facepalm: Chris, you're in good hands bro...

note to self. Keep norm away from masking tape and magic markers.

garcmol 08-09-2011 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 3593890)
:facepalm: Chris, you're in good hands bro...


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3593920)
Thanks Norm!

note to self. Keep norm away from masking tape and magic markers.

Whaaaaaaaaatttt???? :iono::iono::iono:

GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 09:50 PM


Mr Twisty 08-09-2011 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3593846) :laugh:

SSE 4 2SS 08-09-2011 09:52 PM

Chris, in all honesty, having fit one of those spoilers, make sure you have plenty of light when your trying to fit the template... I had to try several times to get it to line up correctly... 3/4 inch masking tape worked well... and I left a little tab on each piece so I could easily pull a piece up and reposition it...

Mr Twisty 08-09-2011 09:54 PM

I know there's some good info in here.... in between all the smartassery :sm0:

GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 09:57 PM

Will do. Good idea

Seriously I thinks it's awesome how many smart guys we have on here.


Darth_Emma 08-09-2011 10:03 PM

Is it installed yet?

garcmol 08-09-2011 10:04 PM

Okay, a real tip. Once you've masked and drilled remove the tape. Then take blue painters tape and reposition over the hole you drilled and make it about 8" long. Make the tabs on both ends of the tape. Put your spoiler in position and poke the spoiler bolts through the holes. Once it's in then pull the tabs on both ends and it will easily remove and tear where the bolt is. No bolt rubbing your paint.

Before you mount the spoiler, take some touch up paint on a qtip and cover the bare metal.

how's that one?

SSE 4 2SS 08-09-2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3594005)
Okay, a real tip. Once you've masked and drilled remove the tape. Then take blue painters tape and reposition over the hole you drilled and make it about 8" long. Make the tabs on both ends of the tape. Put your spoiler in position and poke the spoiler bolts through the holes. Once it's in then pull the tabs on both ends and it will easily remove and tear where the bolt is. No bolt rubbing your paint.

Before you mount the spoiler, take some touch up paint on a qtip and cover the bare metal.

how's that one?


GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 10:08 PM

Noice. I think I'll have to do another DIY vid and mention some of these good ideas

SSE 4 2SS 08-09-2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3594035)
No ice. I think I'll have to do another DIY vid and mention some of these good ideas

Cool, another broken finger video...

garcmol 08-09-2011 10:11 PM

I think you just can't find a magic marker in the house.

GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 3594046)
Cool, another broken finger video...

:facepalm:Gtahvits build thread. :readthethread:


SSE 4 2SS 08-09-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3594056)
:facepalm:Gtahvits build thread. :readthethread:


Oh poop, my wife is looking at me like I've lost it... I laughed so hard I snorted... multiple times... :bellyroll::bellyroll::sm0:

GTAHVIT 08-09-2011 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3594054)
I think you just can't find a magic marker in the house.

Stupid iPad. Supposed to say "noice"

JusticePete 08-09-2011 10:24 PM

So how much tape does it take to cover a THR Camaro?

speedster 08-10-2011 06:55 AM

Is it done yet?

Is it done yet?

Is it done yet?

Pics or it didn't happen. Please include tape and markers and crayons in gory detail. No blood. This isn't a PQ R-rated build thread. :rolleyes:

Dr Jkel 08-10-2011 09:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3593722)
I could do it for you. I need John to hold the light and I'll get the hammer

NOW NORM You know that is not how we do it, I get the HAMMER.


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3593752)
And I quote....

No Worries Chris, I'm On MY way, Just gotta pick up Norm and get some Beer ( bail ) Money


Originally Posted by speedster (Post 3595235)
Is it done yet?

Is it done yet?

Is it done yet?

Of Course it isn't Norm and I have not arrived yet with our special installation tool.

The Stig 08-10-2011 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3593732)
No way in hell!!!!

Its awesome that we ware always looking out for each other.

Feel free to keep checking on me. :respekt:

But we should probably do more of that in Randy's threads. He only has so many fingers. :D

:laughabove: come on guys, he only broke ONE finger spinning his wheels :bellyroll:

Mr Twisty 08-10-2011 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 3594141)
So how much tape does it take to cover a THR Camaro?

He's probably stealing his kids crayons as we speak :laugh:

SSE 4 2SS 08-10-2011 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 3595982)
He's probably stealing his kids crayons as we speak :laugh:

C has his own crayons, and a big chief tablet...

Dr Jkel 08-10-2011 11:00 AM

Plus he colors outside the lines.....

garcmol 08-10-2011 11:04 AM



garcmol 08-10-2011 11:48 AM

What does the third brake light on the spoiler wire into? Does it jump off the light in the rear window?

SSE 4 2SS 08-10-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3596338)
What does the third brake light on the spoiler wire into? Does it jump off the light in the rear window?

Nope, it just sits there waiting for the power to light up...

Yes it is wired into the same circuit...

garcmol 08-10-2011 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 3596383)
Nope, it just sits there waiting for the power to light up...

Yes it is wired into the same circuit...

Well, you know if you stare at something long enough it will actually do what your thinking. And if it didn't do it, you didn't stare long enough. :thumbsup:

SSE 4 2SS 08-10-2011 12:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3596058)


I can't believe someone did that and then drove it to a car show... must have been this guy.....

garcmol 08-10-2011 12:11 PM

My wife called me that guy. Whats up with that???

SSE 4 2SS 08-10-2011 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3596449)
My wife called me that guy. Whats up with that???

do tell.... lol...:bellyroll:

PQ 08-10-2011 12:41 PM


So now I know why Chris chose not to do the shifter while I was there. :bellyroll:

His kids are still very young and would have nightmares should there be 'problems'. :sm0: :sm0: :sm0:

We could have done a video of the install and named it 'There Will Be Blood', hahahahahahahahaha

garcmol 08-10-2011 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 3596595)

So now I know why Chris chose not to do the shifter while I was there. :bellyroll:

His kids are still very young and would have nightmares should there be 'problems'. :sm0: :sm0: :sm0:

We could have done a video of the install and named it 'There Will Be Blood', hahahahahahahahaha

:laughabove: He's so mean, isn't he???

SSE 4 2SS 08-10-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 3596595)

So now I know why Chris chose not to do the shifter while I was there. :bellyroll:

His kids are still very young and would have nightmares should??? there be 'problems'. :sm0: :sm0: :sm0:

We could have done a video of the install and named it 'There Will Be Blood', hahahahahahahahaha

Thats a fore gone conclusion isn't it...???

The title, could be Blood, Sweat, and Oil, Camaro Modding... NC17 / NSFC... or the weak of stomach.... Coming Soon to a Theater near you...

PQ 08-10-2011 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3596603)
:laughabove: He's so mean, isn't he???

:word: He claims it was late and he was tired. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 3596645)
Thats a fore gone conclusion isn't it...???

The title, could be Blood, Sweat, and Oil, Camaro Modding... NC17 / NSFC... or the weak of stomach.... Coming Soon to a Theater near you...

:sm0: I should do a YouTube parody of a movie trailer. :bellyroll:

JusticePete 08-10-2011 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 3596915)
:sm0: I should do a YouTube parody of a movie trailer. :bellyroll:

Who's blood would have the lead?

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