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The Stig 06-21-2012 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by ShnOmac (Post 5168653)

Is that duct tape holding the nose on?

ShnOmac 06-21-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by stieger (Post 5168853)
Is that duct tape holding the nose on?

Darn budget cut backs..... :laugh:

The Stig 06-21-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by ShnOmac (Post 5168868)
Darn budget cut backs..... :laugh:

well in this economy, can you blame them?

ShnOmac 06-21-2012 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by stieger (Post 5168894)
well in this economy, can you blame them?

Well let's hope they don't cut to far back.... I want to keep receiving my paychecks. :laugh:

mlee 06-21-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by ShnOmac (Post 5168918)
Well let's hope they don't cut to far back.... I want to keep receiving my paychecks. :laugh:

Oct 1st is coming up... election year... who knows..:iono:

ShnOmac 06-21-2012 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 5168939)
Oct 1st is coming up... election year... who knows..:iono:

Don't remind me..... :facepalm:

Mr Twisty 06-21-2012 10:17 PM

Say... does anyone know where we are? I was so caught up in the conversation I didn't pay attention to the signs.

I think we should have made a left at Cucamonga.....

zebra 06-21-2012 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 5168939)
Oct 1st is coming up... election year... who knows..:iono:

here's hoping...

zebra 06-21-2012 10:19 PM

and them're some crazy B-1 shenannigans, but...

one of the guys here proved it can fly with one wing forward & one wing back :confused0068:

ShnOmac 06-21-2012 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 5169003)
and them're some crazy B-1 shenannigans, but...

one of the guys here proved it can fly with one wing forward & one wing back :confused0068:

That is pretty impressive... :D

TAG UR IT 06-22-2012 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5165246)
So, Doug and Tom were talking and Doug stuttered and your car was born.... :iono:

Doug has a couple of beers....
Doug... THR # ttttwwwww.... tttwwwwwww.... twwwwwtwo....
Tom... No... Two...
Doug... That's whuuuuuwhwhwuuuuttt I said... ttwwwwoooooooo twooo


Originally Posted by Mr Twisty (Post 5166053)

check out the post I deleted


Oh, man am I late to the

guess that's what i get for having to WORK!:mad0260:

Mr Twisty 06-22-2012 08:59 AM

Working the night shift, you probably have some strange experiences in your line of work... do a lot of your stories start with, "You ain't gonna believe this $#!t!" :laugh:

GTAHVIT 06-22-2012 09:05 AM


garcmol 06-22-2012 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Twisty (Post 5170460)
Working the night shift, you probably have some strange experiences in your line of work... do a lot of your stories start with, "You ain't gonna believe this $#!t!" :laugh:

One of San Antonio's finest helped me out one night. I was stuck on "Frontage Road" and couldn't find my street. Hmmmmm, Frontage Road. Largest road in San Anton.

Doug will know what I'm talking about.

GTAHVIT 06-22-2012 10:45 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Don't mind me.

GTAHVIT 06-22-2012 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 5170482)
One of San Antonio's finest helped me out one night. I was stuck on "Frontage Road" and couldn't find my street. Hmmmmm, Frontage Road. Largest road in San Anton.

Doug will know what I'm talking about.

OMG that stupid system is so jacked up... LMAO

garcmol 06-22-2012 10:50 AM

I was on the ring (1408 or something) and my cousin said, "Get off on the Frontage Rd." Well hell, there's only a Frontage road every couple of miles!

It was a long trip. I thing the Houston to San Antonio leg was quicker than me driving in town!

It's cake now.

SSE 4 2SS 06-22-2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 5171044)
I was on the ring (1408 or something) and my cousin said, "Get off on the Frontage Rd." Well hell, there's only a Frontage road every couple of miles!

It was a long trip. I thing the Houston to San Antonio leg was quicker than me driving in town!

It's cake now.

1604... the loop...

What's funny is when I am forced to drive into OK... I wonder and marvel at the lack of access roads... There are none... Exit the highway at 70 and turn into X store... or take an exit and drive about 11 teen miles back into no mans land for gas...

Mr Twisty 06-22-2012 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5171187)
1604... the loop...

What's funny is when I am forced to drive into OK... I wonder and marvel at the lack of access roads... There are none... Exit the highway at 70 and turn into X store... or take an exit and drive about 11 teen miles back into no mans land for gas...

That shouldn't be a problem in the future, next time you're in Oklahoma and get lost, give me a call. I can help.....

We'll have you in :canada: in no time. :D

GTAHVIT 06-22-2012 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Twisty (Post 5171268)
That shouldn't be a problem in the future, next time you're in Oklahoma and get lost, give me a call. I can help.....

We'll have you in :canada: in no time. :D

:laugh: for some reason I don't think he's kidding at all....

garcmol 06-22-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5171187)
1604... the loop...

What's funny is when I am forced to drive into OK... I wonder and marvel at the lack of access roads... There are none... Exit the highway at 70 and turn into X store... or take an exit and drive about 11 teen miles back into no mans land for gas...

Once you get the hang of them it's great. I think of it as "pit road"

Mr Twisty 06-22-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 5171316)
:laugh: for some reason I don't think he's kidding at all....

I left ~ARR! a note in speedsters thread :D

have a feeling I may regret this :sm0:

garcmol 06-22-2012 11:42 AM

In my sig, the preregistration form link in in there. Helps to have this done, if any of you are doing the Autocross!! Hoping you guys can help me spread the word!

Would this be a Spam post?

zebra 06-22-2012 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by speedster (Post 5167250)
This has to be yours. It's pulling the front wheels off the ground... :laugh:
Norm was in the back for weight...:D

i found out the story on this pic today...
some guys checking the fuel transfer system on the ground & got a little too much moved to the rear :bolt:


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 5170482)
One of San Antonio's finest helped me out one night. I was stuck on "Frontage Road" and couldn't find my street. Hmmmmm, Frontage Road. Largest road in San Anton.

Doug will know what I'm talking about.

yeah, i hate this system here in abilene. i missed my 1/2mi prior exit too many times, so i just stay on the access roads. :rolleyes:

mlee 06-22-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 5169003)
and them're some crazy B-1 shenannigans, but...

one of the guys here proved it can fly with one wing forward & one wing back :confused0068:

WoW... I can just see him going around in circles... :laugh:


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 5174258)
i found out the story on this pic today...
some guys checking the fuel transfer system on the ground & got a little too much moved to the rear :bolt:

Yup... as I mentioned earlier, it's happened more than once... Not sure if that pic is Dyess, but it did happen there once.

zebra 06-22-2012 08:26 PM

i'm pretty sure that one's ellsworth, but yeah, it's happened more than once :yikes:

Mrs GTAHVIT 06-23-2012 08:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Awwwww you Silly Fixed wingers :wub:

To Fly is Heavenly....


To HOVER is Divine :headbang:

mlee 06-23-2012 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs GTAHVIT (Post 5178043)
Awwwww you Silly Fixed wingers :wub:

To Fly is Heavenly....


To HOVER is Divine :headbang:

That's why we have these now...:D

Mrs GTAHVIT 06-23-2012 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 5178078)
That's why we have these now...:D

OOOOHH yeah.... those are cute... but when was the last time one of thoooose did a one wheeled landing on an edge of a cliff to save someones life..... ;)

mlee 06-23-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs GTAHVIT (Post 5178152)
OOOOHH yeah.... those are cute... but when was the last time one of thoooose did a one wheeled landing on an edge of a cliff to save someones life..... ;)

It already flew through, cleared out the enemy so the life could be saved... Team work..:drinking:

SSE 4 2SS 06-23-2012 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs GTAHVIT (Post 5178152)
OOOOHH yeah.... those are cute... but when was the last time one of thoooose did a one wheeled landing on an edge of a cliff to save someones life..... ;)

:facepalm: Rotorheads...

It was an attempt to do a full landing but the earth was repelling the vibrations...
Chris and I have been over this before... Ten thousand loose parts flying in close formation is not an aircraft...

Actually, Having worked on helicopters as a medic and flying on them to work all the time, I'm simply amazed what they can do in the hands of a competent and skilled pilot...

Mrs GTAHVIT 06-23-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 5178178)
It already flew through, cleared out the enemy so the life could be saved... Team work..:drinking:

:headbang: :respekt:


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5178181)
:facepalm: Rotorheads...

It was an attempt to do a full landing but the earth was repelling the vibrations...
Chris and I have been over this before... Ten thousand loose parts flying in close formation is not an aircraft...

:laugh: Helicopters: Defying the laws of physics before it was cool. :cool:


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5178181)

Actually, Having worked on helicopters as a medic and flying on them to work all the time, I'm simply amazed what they can do in the hands of a competent and skilled pilot...

This is a very critical point... :character0182: <--- Pilot :yikes:<--- Crewman/me/chris

SSE 4 2SS 06-23-2012 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs GTAHVIT (Post 5178217)
:headbang: :respekt:

:laugh: Helicopters: Defying the laws of physics before it was cool. :cool:

This is a very critical point... :character0182: <--- Pilot :yikes:<--- Crewman/me/chris/Robert

Fixed for you... I took the controls of a Bocal <<, not sure of the spelling... for close to an hour one time... level straight flight at the time. i was the last one left on a crew change and they couldnt carry everyone on the big bird, so they sent this thing out... For all I know it was on autopilot, and I was just mimicking the AP... :iono:

zebra 06-23-2012 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 5178078)
That's why we have these now...:D

saw a couple sitting at Eglin when i was checking out the AF variants a couple months ago. at least ours are already flying...


Originally Posted by Mrs GTAHVIT (Post 5178152)
OOOOHH yeah.... those are cute... but when was the last time one of thoooose did a one wheeled landing on an edge of a cliff to save someones life..... ;)

wait... didn't you spend your career jumping out of perfectly good aircraft?

or were you the one who had to push scaredy-cat Chris out? :laugh:


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 5178274)
Fixed for you... I took the controls of a Bocal <<, not sure of the spelling... for close to an hour one time... level straight flight at the time. i was the last one left on a crew change and they couldnt carry everyone on the big bird, so they sent this thing out... For all I know it was on autopilot, and I was just mimicking the AP... :iono:

it still had to be fun though, right?

speedster 06-23-2012 11:02 PM

Fixed or Rotary - as long as they are ours (USA) they are cool. :thumbup:

mlee 06-23-2012 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 5178460)
saw a couple sitting at Eglin when i was checking out the AF variants a couple months ago. at least ours are already flying...

True... JSF was the last project I was working on when I retired from the AF. If 911 hadn't thrown a monkey wrench into things I'd probably still be working on it.

zebra 06-24-2012 03:51 AM


The Stig 06-24-2012 07:15 AM

Planes are like dragsters and rotaries are like AC cars. Built for different things. But I agree with Rob, a good pilot makes a world of a difference

Mr Twisty 06-24-2012 02:49 PM

zebra 06-24-2012 04:08 PM

^^ i never realized i'm 3 for 3 of your racing quotes :( :thumbdown:
all in 1 turn at road atlanta. i should at least get some redemption points for killing 3 birds with 1 stone

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