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habunow1 02-11-2013 10:18 AM

Ok just got back from Pony Wars and had a great time with some of the ECC and Tampa C5 group. They told me about the Orlando Camaro Rally coming up the first week in March and I am talking to the family about going. If anyone is intrested in going the link to the thread will be below. The only thing about this weekend which could be better is if I had company on the ride to and from the event (No cars to play with on the ride). If anyone is intrested in going let me know and we could see if we could set something up.

Roll_the_Dice 02-11-2013 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by only the beSSt (Post 6143106)
Does anyone know of a GOOD detailer within a reasonable distance of Hinesville or Savannah? I think I want to have my car Opti-Coated after I pick it up.

There are 2 detailers I have used...they both are is super expensive for a good detail. The other very reasonable...and did a good job on my gf's car.

They are:

CarSpa on Jefferson St 912-401-7264

The other is a detailer for the Hyundai dealer on Abercorn. His name is Don and his number is 912-224-5566. Tell him I sent you ...he knows my Camaro (white with blue stripes)

429 02-11-2013 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jer4251 (Post 6145119)
Cant wait for the next meet. Hope we can get a good turnout

I'm going to try my ass off to get the car back together for it. Hopefully it will be running saturday night! I get out of school on 1 March, cant wait to be back home.

Imbranu 02-11-2013 05:56 PM

I have a complete stock exhaust except for headers if you want it.

Jer4251 02-11-2013 06:02 PM

Would love to have it. Gotta turn my car in wednesday and really dont wanna give them my zl1 diffuser. Can I get it tonight or tomorrow from ya?

Imbranu 02-11-2013 06:13 PM

Yeah do you have a truck cause its the whole piece

Imbranu 02-11-2013 06:14 PM

Anyway you would want to hook me up with a deal on your headers would ya.

Jer4251 02-11-2013 06:19 PM

I got a tbss. Should work. Ill do 800 for the headers and straight pipes.

Imbranu 02-11-2013 06:26 PM

Don't really need the straight pipes I just got a catback amt. I work until around 5 everyday on Stewart so if you wanted to meet a ranger joes in hinesville if you know it I can take you to my house for the exhaust.

Jer4251 02-11-2013 06:28 PM

Its the cat delete pipes not exhaust pipes. Thats across from mcdonalds right?

Imbranu 02-11-2013 06:29 PM

Yeah right around there.

Jer4251 02-11-2013 06:30 PM

Ill meet u there whenever you want. Will tonight work or u wanna do it tomorrow? Ill show u the pics of the headers here in a bit. Just got home

Imbranu 02-11-2013 06:32 PM

I just sent you a pm with my number. I'm free tonight if you want to make the drive over here

Jer4251 02-11-2013 08:57 PM

made it home fine lol, thanks again man, not sure what I would have done if you hadn't posted up

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