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PQ 03-30-2010 04:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
iPhone stuff. Not real great but the exhaust is awesome. ;)

Attachment 107982

garcmol 03-30-2010 04:30 PM


radz28 03-30-2010 04:56 PM

HOLLY SH*T that sounded bad@$$!!! Congrats' dude; you certainly deserve it! That's some great power!

TonyU 03-30-2010 04:59 PM

you forgot to tip the technician :paddle::D

Tom Henry Racing 03-30-2010 05:01 PM

I truly had fun too, and appreciate all of the effort you went through to buy a car from me. It was good to finally meet you and PQ. It is a great community and I marvel at all of the friends I have made. I had permagrin, but it was from the customers.......

GTAHVIT 03-30-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by TonyU (Post 1655712)
you forgot to tip the technician :paddle:


TONY!!!! My man! Dude! The car is great! I couldn't be happier.

I wish you could see the looks on the faces of those that have driven/ridden in it.

Top quality work my friend!

Try to get Tom to let you come down to the fest ;) I'll be glad to buy you a beer.

are you old enough to drink??? ;) :laugh:

PQ 03-30-2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by TonyU (Post 1655712)
you forgot to tip the technician :paddle::D


Chris = cheapskate lol

Mr Twisty 03-30-2010 05:36 PM

Glad to see ya'll made it back in one piece .... and I like PQ's shirt :thumbsup:

Orange ya gonna tell was the drive home? :D

it sounds gooood!

TonyU 03-30-2010 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1655727)

TONY!!!! My man! Dude! The car is great! I couldn't be happier.

I wish you could see the looks on the faces of those that have driven/ridden in it.

Top quality work my friend!

thank you very much :) I didnt get to the chance to talk to you after you went on a test drive and looked over the car to see if everything was to your liking. Glad to hear you love it


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1655727)
Try to get Tom to let you come down to the fest ;) I'll be glad to buy you a beer.

are you old enough to drink??? ;) :laugh:


Number 3 03-30-2010 06:47 PM

Wait......what? Sandles? They let you into Pennsylvania in March wearing open toed footwear?

Sorry PQ, couldn't resist.

Glad you guys had a great trip and very glad you love the Camaro.

And the video was great......kinda...........but I think now I am frightened...........LOUD NOISES!!!!!!!!!

Simply awesome and can't wait for the Fest even more.

PQ 03-30-2010 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 1655859)
.... and I like PQ's shirt :thumbsup:



Originally Posted by Number 3 (Post 1656160)
Wait......what? Sandles? They let you into Pennsylvania in March wearing open toed footwear?

I forgot. Northerners wear socks with their sandles. :sm0:

I needed them when Tom took us to the barn. lol

Ya, his exhaust makes me jealous. I officially hate him again.

Blade 03-30-2010 07:29 PM

Wow that car is scary fast and loud.........AWESOME!!!

BTW, is it me or is PQ as tall as the car in that one picture? Isn't the car lowered too? ;) Nothing buy love bro, nothing but love...

That car is just incredible man, enjoy it and be safe with it. Congrats again!!

Tom Henry Racing 03-30-2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1656350)
Wow that car is scary fast and loud.........AWESOME!!!

BTW, is it me or is PQ as tall as the car in that one picture? Isn't the car lowered too? ;) Nothing buy love bro, nothing but love...

That car is just incredible man, enjoy it and be safe with it. Congrats again!!

Chris and I were in high heels.........:iono:

Mr. Wyndham 03-30-2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1656357)
Chris and I were in high heels.........:iono:

That explains.....SO much.

I should've known from the start. :facepalm:

Blade 03-30-2010 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1656357)
Chris and I were in high heels.........:iono:


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 1656360)
That explains.....SO much.

I should've known from the start. :facepalm:

That still doesn't explain his car being as tall as PQ........LOL.....I should stop before Randy decides to kick my ass at Camarofest.

Hmmm......Chris......where's the citrus power?

speedster 03-30-2010 07:43 PM

Wow, sorry I'm late to the party...

Awesome Chris !!! After all of the dreaming (and prodding) and planning (and prodding) and waiting (and prodding) and drooling (and prodding) you finally got the beast. Just in time to get used to it for C5 Fest. ...and PQ, buddy, I envy you. Get to go up there and have all kinds of fun with the elite Camaro squad with SANDALS... Cool. :D

Kudos to Tom Henry and his whole gang. You guys have made a great impression on this site and we are all looking forward to meeting you and Dr. FBod, Scott... :)

Can't wait to check out the THR "Orange Crush" machine.

I want to see some serious tire smoke at C5Fest. Smoke is good. Well, at least good smoke is good. Or something like that.

Congrats. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

danhr 03-30-2010 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by TonyU (Post 1655981)
thank you very much :) I didnt get to the chance to talk to you after you went on a test drive and looked over the car to see if everything was to your liking. Glad to hear you love it


tony drinks like a girl

PQ 03-30-2010 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1656350)
BTW, is it me or is PQ as tall as the car in that one picture? Isn't the car lowered too? ;) Nothing buy love bro, nothing but love...

I was the troll. (ij) lol


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1656357)
Chris and I were in high heels.........:iono:

I wasn't gonna say nothin. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by speedster (Post 1656410)
...and PQ, buddy, I envy you. Get to go up there and have all kinds of fun with the elite Camaro squad with SANDALS... Cool. :D

I said from the beggining I was gonna go get Chris's car. :laugh:

Mr Twisty 03-30-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1656357)
Chris and I were in high heels.........:iono:



There's no smiley's for that :bellyroll:

Number 3 03-30-2010 08:21 PM

See, GTA........after 750 plus posts giving you a hard time and now everybody loves you....................or maybe it's the car.....................check and see which ones are signed up for the Fest....................might just be sucking up for a ride..................I know I am.:D

PQ 03-30-2010 08:26 PM

Well, I still haven't been to sleep since yesterday morning at 6, so I'm out.

Thank you Chris for inviting me along. And Tom, again, for being a most gracious host.

(I'll check in on Tag later :bellyroll:)

Mr Twisty 03-30-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Number 3 (Post 1656579)
See, GTA........after 750 plus posts giving you a hard time and now everybody loves you....................or maybe it's the car.....................check and see which ones are signed up for the Fest....................might just be sucking up for a ride..................I know I am.:D

I've been thinking I should go back and edit some of (all) my posts in this thread. :help:

CynAgain 03-30-2010 09:35 PM

:happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim: :happyanim:

Timing is everything ~ now get busy with the break-in! You have two weeks!!! :drinking:

Number 3 03-30-2010 09:56 PM

GTA, stop playing with'll go blind.

Have you even stopped driving it yet?

speedster 03-30-2010 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Number 3 (Post 1657026)
GTA, stop playing with'll go blind.

Have you even stopped driving it yet?

Ha :laugh:, Ha :laugh:, Ha :laugh: And you haven't even mentioned the car yet...:sm0:

GTAHVIT 03-31-2010 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 1655729)

Chris = cheapskate lol

Hey I paid for your coffee.... once... :iono:



Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 1655859)
Glad to see ya'll made it back in one piece .... and I like PQ's shirt :thumbsup:

Orange ya gonna tell was the drive home? :D

it sounds gooood!

Drive home was..... LOOOOOOOOONNNGGGG.. even in the Camaro... Oh and Onstar is a much better Navigation system then it gets credit for... Well it's better than Randy is anyway.....



Originally Posted by TonyU (Post 1655981)
thank you very much :) I didnt get to the chance to talk to you after you went on a test drive and looked over the car to see if everything was to your liking. Glad to hear you love it


After I spoke with Tom he told me to look at how everything was tied off and routed. I gotta tell you. Tony does first class work. Nothing rubbing or hanging. Everthing looks like a factory install.

First class work, Tony. Without a doubt. :thumbsup:


Originally Posted by Number 3 (Post 1656160)
Wait......what? Sandles? They let you into Pennsylvania in March wearing open toed footwear?

Sorry PQ, couldn't resist.

Glad you guys had a great trip and very glad you love the Camaro.

And the video was great......kinda...........but I think now I am frightened...........LOUD NOISES!!!!!!!!!

Simply awesome and can't wait for the Fest even more.


I don't know if PQ noticed, but when I started the car for the first time, I had the door open and it started... I jumped a little..... :headbang:


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 1656261)

I forgot. Northerners wear socks with their sandles. :sm0:

I needed them when Tom took us to the barn. lol

Ya, his exhaust makes me jealous. I officially hate him again.

And the world is back to normal. The Barn was pretty damn cool. :clap:


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1656350)
Wow that car is scary fast and loud.........AWESOME!!!

BTW, is it me or is PQ as tall as the car in that one picture? Isn't the car lowered too? ;) Nothing buy love bro, nothing but love...

That car is just incredible man, enjoy it and be safe with it. Congrats again!!

We were really safe... almost too safe... it took us an hour longer to get back then it did getting up there.... Ooooorrrr maybe we never set the clock.... :laugh: :facepalm:


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1656357)
Chris and I were in high heels.........:iono:

Pumps Tom... Pumps.... :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 1656568)


There's no smiley's for that :bellyroll:

Tell me about it..... :facepalm:


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 1656360)
That explains.....SO much.

I should've known from the start. :facepalm:

Keep it up and I won't let you drive my car unless you are wearing a pair...



Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1656376)
That still doesn't explain his car being as tall as PQ........LOL.....I should stop before Randy decides to kick my ass at Camarofest.

Hmmm......Chris......where's the citrus power?

Don't worry PQ is shorter in real life than he is online... oh wait...

I mean he's as tall as he looks....

No no.... Well my seat goes higher than his does???? :iono:



The very Rare and collectable 1FLA option....


Originally Posted by speedster (Post 1656410)
Wow, sorry I'm late to the party...

Awesome Chris !!! After all of the dreaming (and prodding) and planning (and prodding) and waiting (and prodding) and drooling (and prodding) you finally got the beast. Just in time to get used to it for C5 Fest. ...and PQ, buddy, I envy you. Get to go up there and have all kinds of fun with the elite Camaro squad with SANDALS... Cool. :D

Kudos to Tom Henry and his whole gang. You guys have made a great impression on this site and we are all looking forward to meeting you and Dr. FBod, Scott... :)

Can't wait to check out the THR "Orange Crush" machine.

I want to see some serious tire smoke at C5Fest. Smoke is good. Well, at least good smoke is good. Or something like that.

Congrats. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


OMG the White and Orange THR Supercharged car is georgeous :drool:


Originally Posted by danhr (Post 1656417)
tony drinks like a girl

Sweet! Cheap Date!! :yikes:


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 1656559)
I was the troll. (ij) lol

I wasn't gonna say nothin. :rolleyes:

I said from the beggining I was gonna go get Chris's car. :laugh:



Originally Posted by Number 3 (Post 1656579)
See, GTA........after 750 plus posts giving you a hard time and now everybody loves you....................or maybe it's the car.....................check and see which ones are signed up for the Fest....................might just be sucking up for a ride..................I know I am.:D



Originally Posted by PQ (Post 1656611)
Well, I still haven't been to sleep since yesterday morning at 6, so I'm out.

Thank you Chris for inviting me along. And Tom, again, for being a most gracious host.

(I'll check in on Tag later :bellyroll:)

I blamed you... :thumbsup:


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 1656860)
I've been thinking I should go back and edit some of (all) my posts in this thread. :help:



Originally Posted by CynAgain (Post 1656931)

Timing is everything ~ now get busy with the break-in! You have two weeks!!! :drinking:

You do realize the connection of that color and.... your first pic here don't you..... ;)

Thanks Very much Cyn. ;)


Originally Posted by Number 3 (Post 1657026)
GTA, stop playing with'll go blind.

Have you even stopped driving it yet?

I washed... THE CAMARO Last night so the wife could drive it today.. ;)


Originally Posted by speedster (Post 1657158)
Ha :laugh:, Ha :laugh:, Ha :laugh: And you haven't even mentioned the car yet...:sm0:



Mr. Wyndham 03-31-2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1658885)
Keep it up and I won't let you drive my car unless you are wearing a pair...


You didn't let me finish!! Only a guy as secure and manly as you two could have pulled off high heels. Duh!

GTAHVIT 03-31-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 1659615)
You didn't let me finish!! Only a guy as secure and manly as you two could have pulled off high heels. Duh!



PQ 03-31-2010 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1658885)
Hey I paid for your coffee.... once... :iono:


More than once. :rolleyes:

And food. :rolleyes:

And my gas. :rolleyes:

And the Hotel. :rolleyes:

Ok, I guess your not a cheapskate. :drinking:

GTAHVIT 03-31-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 1660177)
More than once. :rolleyes:

And food. :rolleyes:

And my gas. :rolleyes:

And the Hotel. :rolleyes:

Ok, I guess your not a cheapskate. :drinking:

How else was I gonna convince Bonnie to let you go... And get you to drive while I slept....



Jekyll-N-Hyde 03-31-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1660191)
How else was I gonna convince Bonnie to let you go... And get you to drive while I slept....



hell you let him drive ? he was probably making Vroom Vroom Noises the whole time giggleing like a little girl :laugh:

I would have I wont lie hahahahahaha

PQ 03-31-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1660191)
How else was I gonna convince Bonnie to let you go... And get you to drive while I slept....



Oh, ya, it felt great at 145mph while you were asleep. :thumbsup:

GTAHVIT 03-31-2010 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jekyll-N-Hyde (Post 1660214)
hell you let him drive ? he was probably making Vroom Vroom Noises the whole time giggleing like a little girl :laugh:

I would have I wont lie hahahahahaha

I still do... :sm0:


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 1660322)
Oh, ya, it felt great at 145mph while you were asleep. :thumbsup:


What the....

Jekyll-N-Hyde 03-31-2010 04:26 PM

lmao 145 in sandles hahahahaha

speedster 03-31-2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1658885)

OMG the White and Orange THR Supercharged car is georgeous :drool:

I meant your car above with the Agent Orange you are pointing to over the driver's door...:D ....SPLAT !!!!

CynAgain 03-31-2010 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 1658885)

You do realize the connection of that color and.... your first pic here don't you..... ;)

Thanks Very much Cyn. ;)

awwww sweetness :wub: Thank you!

I do think we need to start calling IBM ~ Imperial Blue for Moderators thou :sm0:

Milk 1027 03-31-2010 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by CynAgain (Post 1661606)
awwww sweetness :wub: Thank you!

I do think we need to start calling IBM ~ Imperial Blue for Moderators thou :sm0:

I know about 3 or maybe 4 of the other moderators are planning on IBM as well.
I fell in love with the color the moment I saw it.:wub:

Of course the boots helped too.:D

CynAgain 03-31-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Milk 1027 (Post 1661626)
I know about 3 or maybe 4 of the other moderators are planning on IBM as well.
I fell in love with the color the moment I saw it.:wub:


*hugs* :wub:

First impressions are sooooo important! :D

zebra 03-31-2010 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1656350)
...BTW, is it me or is PQ as tall as the car in that one picture? Isn't the car lowered too? ;) Nothing buy love bro, nothing but love...

yep... he's a midget


Originally Posted by Tom Henry Racing (Post 1656357)
Chris and I were in high heels.........:iono:

first a thong & now high heels...
i ain't so sure i wanna send my car up there :yikes:


Originally Posted by CynAgain (Post 1661653)
*hugs* :wub:

First impressions are sooooo important! :D

you'd sure know a thing or two about that, wouldn't ya?

CynAgain 03-31-2010 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 1661730)

you'd sure know a thing or two about that, wouldn't ya?

I have no idea what you're talking about! :rolleyes:


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