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Jer4251 11-01-2014 10:42 PM

I might be down for a lunch cruise tomorrow. Let's get a tally

RLHMARINES 11-02-2014 12:17 AM

I'm probably not going to be able to make today's meet but I will be at next months meet. I did run into a nice young lady in Pooler who has a sweet looking convertible SS who's just relocated to the area and I informed her about the meet and Camaro5. She said she would check it out and try and make the meet so look out for her.

Dcoy56 11-02-2014 08:22 AM

I'm in

Superkenn34 11-02-2014 10:05 AM

I'm sure everyone is tired of repeating themselves but when and where do you all meet? And do any of y'all ever go out to the Starbucks on Montgomery and white bluff on Saturday nights?

jwl013 11-04-2014 04:55 PM

We had a Halloween Party Saturday night, so I was recovering on Sunday.

mpiersd 11-05-2014 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Superkenn34 (Post 8041381)
I'm sure everyone is tired of repeating themselves but when and where do you all meet? And do any of y'all ever go out to the Starbucks on Montgomery and white bluff on Saturday nights?

D1 off the intersection of 17 and 204, across from the chevrolet dealer, first Sunday of the month at 10 am.
Lived in Savannah for 21 months and haven't been on Saturday night.

mmarx82 11-16-2014 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by jwl013 (Post 8035799)
IS this you mmarx?
I seen it a couple months ago at EAAF and thought is was hilarious and just realized I never put it up here.

Yeah that's me lol. I work there.

jwl013 11-21-2014 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by mmarx82 (Post 8065854)
Yeah that's me lol. I work there.

Right on, unfortunately I have moved to Alabama, so I won't be able to attend any more meets. I wish I could've made a few more.
Nice to meet you all and hopefully I'll visit sometime in the future.

Kurtscamaro 11-30-2014 04:07 AM

camaro meet
let me know if you guys do one

habunow1 11-30-2014 09:21 AM

Let me know too. We have not had a chance to ride in a while.

Jer4251 11-30-2014 12:48 PM

Hopefully next sunday we can have out get together.

mmarx82 12-01-2014 08:11 AM

My car is at the dealership for the supercharger replacement. If you guys do one then I'll bring the truck and hopefully someone will let me ride with them.

Jer4251 12-01-2014 08:17 AM

I'll let you ride. Don't want to to have to ride in a SS or even worse.

ZL1 power

habunow1 12-01-2014 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jer4251 (Post 8090025)
I'll let you ride. Don't want to to have to ride in a SS or even worse.

ZL1 power

I am hurt by that statement.:brokenheart:

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