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zebra 11-12-2011 06:48 PM

JusticePete 11-12-2011 06:51 PM

We just Pedderised an Air Force F-16 pilot on Thursday. Yesterday was Veteran's Day. Why not the Navy tonight. Do they fly anything as cool as this????

zebra 11-12-2011 07:19 PM

umm... not quite, but this was pretty neat

these two bi-planes were AMAZING! & the clouds of white smoke at the end on the runway are from an old 57 chevy pickup that's been modified a little

zebra 11-12-2011 07:22 PM

oldie, but a goodie

JusticePete 11-12-2011 07:22 PM

This is too cool fro this thread. Maybe we should move over to Dragoneye's ZL1 build thread?

zebra 11-12-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 4006522)
This is too cool fro this thread. Maybe we should move over to Dragoneye's ZL1 build thread?

see ya there :wave:

ShnOmac 11-12-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4006392)

usually, we all just roll our eyes & wonder when they're gonna quit disrupting our classes with their low passes & quit closing the airspace so we can get our training flights in :laugh:

I was the complete opposite.... If they were flying my eyes were glued to the sky. I actually looked for reasons to leave class just so I could watch. :laugh:

zebra 11-12-2011 07:42 PM

wait... when were you here?

Mr. Wyndham 11-12-2011 08:03 PM

Did someone say party? :party0048:

JusticePete 11-12-2011 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4006673)
Did someone say party? :party0048:

GTAHVIT is getting too old to be cool :rules:
We moved to your build thread.

Mr. Wyndham 11-12-2011 08:12 PM

Door's open!!

zebra 11-12-2011 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4006715)
Door's open!!

:w00t: party @ Joe's! :drinking: :happy0180:

ShnOmac 11-12-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4006612)
wait... when were you here?


GTAHVIT 11-13-2011 04:09 PM

100 yeas of Naval Aviation... I can dig it..

Helo Airecrewman/rescue swimmer and all.... :D

Getting ready to start the MGW install...


mlee 11-13-2011 04:36 PM

Wish I had something to install...:(

.... I just put in a new faucet.. does that count..:iono:

zebra 11-13-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by ShnOmac (Post 4007050)

oh, then i missed you by 4 years.


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 4009372)
Wish I had something to install...:(

.... I just put in a new faucet.. does that count..:iono:

why do you need running water in your car? :iono:

Mr Twisty 11-13-2011 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4009675)
oh, then i missed you by 4 years.

why do you need running water in your car? :iono:

Who says it's for water? ;)

zebra 11-13-2011 06:09 PM

oh yeah, i never thought of it that way. that does make sense now. the cold side drains the oil & the hot side drains the antifreeze!

mlee 11-13-2011 07:05 PM

:laughabove: least the drip is fixed and the wife is off my back...

Wonder how that MGW install is going...:popcorn:

Mr. Wyndham 11-13-2011 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 4010131)
:laughabove: least the drip is fixed and the wife is off my back...

Wonder how that MGW install is going...:popcorn:

You think he got his hand stuck up in there?

Poor Chris....all alone in the garage...attached to his car....

zebra 11-13-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4010159)
You think he got his hand stuck up in there?

Poor Chris....all alone in the garage...attached to his car....

no, that's more IRPQ's style
but he is definitely attached to his car - like we all are

and besides... he's probably teaching his kids how to install it so he don't have to :laugh:

SSE 4 2SS 11-13-2011 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4006520)

I wasn't aware the navy was still flying taildraggers... If that's from the recent show at Randolph, my dad was there... And he was very impressed. I've seen the Thunderbirds many times, and the Blue Angels once... He told me I need to find an opportunity to see the Blue Angels again...

zebra 11-13-2011 09:32 PM

^^i've seen that one around for a while, so i doubt that's been anytime lately. i've still yet to see the Thunderbirds, but i'm told that their show kills the angels

mlee 11-13-2011 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4010969)
^^i've seen that one around for a while, so i doubt that's been anytime lately. i've still yet to see the Thunderbirds, but i'm told that their show kills the angels

I'm sure you'll get many opportunities now... I always preferred the Angels back in the day. They used to train a lot in my home town. Then I went in the AF for 21 yrs and never thought the T-birds measured up... until the last few years...

Either one is always a blast to watch..

Hmmmm hope the MGW isn't causing problems... May need to call in IRPQ to help...

zebra 11-13-2011 10:06 PM

yeah, Joe's theory is that he got his hand stuck in there... i told him it sounds like IRPQ has already helped enough!

SSE 4 2SS 11-13-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4010969)
^^i've seen that one around for a while, so i doubt that's been anytime lately. i've still yet to see the Thunderbirds, but i'm told that their show kills the angels

Maybe it's what you're used to, but my dad said the Angels show was way better now than anything he has seen from the T-Birds...

I just saw the San Antonio tag in the photo and was wondering...

One of the most amazing things I've ever seen was the replication of Pugachevs Cobra, a maneuver originated by a Russian Pilot in a mig... There was a naval pilot that was able to duplicate it in an FA-18.... I'll see if I can find a video of it...

Here one of a Russin aircraft, couldnt find one of the FA-18

mlee 11-13-2011 10:29 PM

watch at the 1 min mark and the end

Mr. Wyndham 11-13-2011 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 4011299)
watch at the 1 min mark and the end

Are those Cobra maneuvers though? It looks more like they're full-throttling it straight upwards... mimicking a rocket...

mlee 11-13-2011 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4011318)
Are those Cobra maneuvers though? It looks more like they're full-throttling it straight upwards... mimicking a rocket...

Nah... just a cool F-22 video...:iono:

I miss my airplaines...:(

Mr. Wyndham 11-13-2011 10:44 PM

I love the F-22s...I heard they're all being decommissioned, though? Too expensive or some crap like that....apparently we're not fighting enough to justify the world's best fighter jet...:rolleyes:

GTAHVIT 11-13-2011 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3993394)
I like your painter. And your packer.

Maybe I have a new career at ups??? :D Can't take credit for the paint.


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 4009372)
Wish I had something to install...:(

.... I just put in a new faucet.. does that count..:iono:

Brother... You have to get you one of these when you get the ZL1..

Holy $#!t.. I can't believe I waited this long to get this installed....

the difference is unreal... :headbang:


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 4010131)
:laughabove: least the drip is fixed and the wife is off my back...

Wonder how that MGW install is going...:popcorn:


It is not difficult at all. there are a couple sticky points but really it's pretty straight forward. even the last step of leveling the shifter isn't difficult. Just check for clearance and you are good to go.

I had the old shifter out in less than a hour taking my time... About that time a friend came over and we had the MGW on in about the same time.

with us watching and rewatching MGW's video's I'd saw we took 2.5 hours to get it done.


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4010159)
You think he got his hand stuck up in there?

Poor Chris....all alone in the garage...attached to his car....

My right hand is definitly more connedted to the car now... It really is sweet. My buddy has the factory hust and he says the MGW is smoother, and more positive feeling. He said the springs in the MGW are stronger also.


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 4010999)

Hmmmm hope the MGW isn't causing problems... May need to call in IRPQ to help...

Took it for a test drive, got some dinner and put the kiddos to bed. All is well.

You really need one of these. ;)


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4011318)
Are those Cobra maneuvers though? It looks more like they're full-throttling it straight upwards... mimicking a rocket...

keep watching the back flip is cool because it rotates around the pitch axis.. not a "roll" maneuver The only aircraft that can do that. :headbang:

zebra 11-13-2011 10:45 PM

yeah, the 22 in that vid looks like he's just doing a vertical climb as opposed to what looks to be a dogfight maneuver to get in behind a tailing opponent.

GTAHVIT 11-13-2011 10:47 PM

see 1:59 sec ;)

Mr. Wyndham 11-13-2011 10:50 PM

Congrats, Chris!! MGW is also adjustable, isn't it?

Gotta love thrust-vectoring!! Gives a whole new level of control to just about anything that used to rely on separate systems to adjust course. :headbang:

I tried to explain this to my middle school kids with regards to rockets...but they just couldn't wrap their minds around it. :laugh:

zebra 11-13-2011 10:51 PM

here's a good cobra video


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 4011362)
keep watching the back flip is cool because it rotates around the pitch axis.. not a "roll" maneuver The only aircraft that can do that. :headbang:

not anymore
have you seen the MiG-29?

zebra 11-13-2011 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 4011376)
see 1:59 sec ;)

that's a backflip. see my last first video


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4011390)
Congrats, Chris!! MGW is also adjustable, isn't it?

Gotta love thrust-vectoring!! Gives a whole new level of control to just about anything that used to rely on separate systems to adjust course. :headbang:

I tried to explain this to my middle school kids with regards to rockets...but they just couldn't wrap their minds around it. :laugh:

don't seem that hard... for added directional control, you just point the engines in a new direction along with moving the aerodynamic control surfaces

GTAHVIT 11-13-2011 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4011390)
Congrats, Chris!! MGW is also adjustable, isn't it?

Gotta love thrust-vectoring!! Gives a whole new level of control to just about anything that used to rely on separate systems to adjust course. :headbang:

I tried to explain this to my middle school kids with regards to rockets...but they just couldn't wrap their minds around it. :laugh:

No, the MGW has a 30% throw reduction, but not adjustable. However it is a complete shifter replacement. No rattle no noise, no heat. perfect.



Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4011394)
here's a good cobra video
not anymore
have you seen the MiG-29?

Silly russians....:rolleyes:

Mr. Wyndham 11-13-2011 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 4011416)
No, the MGW has a 30% throw reduction, but not adjustable. However it is a complete shifter replacement. No rattle no noise, no heat. perfect.


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 4011409)
don't seem that hard... for added directional control, you just point the engines in a new direction along with moving the aerodynamic control surfaces

Yup. I know that. Now try to explain it to a bunch of 13 years olds who just a week before learned that thrust doesn't really push a rocket fires out down...causing an opposite reaction per Newton's third law of motion. THAT blew their minds. :laugh:

zebra 11-13-2011 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dragoneye (Post 4011426)
Yup. I know that. Now try to explain it to a bunch of 13 years olds who just a week before learned that thrust doesn't really push a rocket fires out down...causing an opposite reaction per Newton's third law of motion. THAT blew their minds. :laugh:

i just had a great practical hands-on application that should help them grasp the concept, but there are probably 1000 fire & safety codes it would violate :facepalm:

and let's face it, not everybody (especially American kids today) is cut out to be a physicist

zebra 11-14-2011 12:56 AM

you see my latest fail yet?

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