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Mr Twisty 06-12-2024 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS (Post 11430155)
Damned rotor head probably figured out the wind up rubber band and jammed the main shaft up a squirrels butt, and attached a rotor with a chicken nut...

Release the Hounds.....

Wouldn't that be a sight! :laughabove:

He offered me his car at a great price, unfortunately I was still in 'gotta pay the farm off first' mode.

He shoulda kept it... May his kids constantly remind him they could have been learning to drive in a Camaro instead of a Mazda/Honda/Toyoda :facepalm:

mlee 06-12-2024 10:50 AM

Would love to know where Bruce's SST is now. Never did get to see that thing run.

SSE 4 2SS 06-12-2024 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by mlee (Post 11430209)
Would love to know where Bruce's SST is now. Never did get to see that thing run.

I'm guessing it's sitting in his Bay full of cars in ConniNewsShire, or New RhoIsland or wherever it is he relocated to...

Mr Twisty 06-13-2024 11:38 AM


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