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Darth_Emma 08-15-2011 12:12 PM

So are we all moved in yet? Are you ready for the garage decorating committee to come in?

JusticePete 08-15-2011 12:13 PM


GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3606848)
Picked a good time to mess with me. I just checking in to make sure I've correctly identified friend from foe. ;)

amazing how much "love" is in this thread all of a sudden..... ;)


Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 3606860)
I love ya man and I would give you a hug....... but you're wearing a tutu :D

How is the move going?


Originally Posted by Darth_Emma (Post 3606906)
We love ya or we wouldn't pick on ya.

Best wishes for an easy move-in this weekend! I know it's stressful, but so worth it.

I am so jealous. I have no prospect of ever having a brand spankin' new shiny house (or a fabulous garage like that)! Enjoy it!


Originally Posted by PQ (Post 3606991)
OMFG!!!!!!!!! :sm0: :sm0: :sm0:

Wish I could be there to help him move. I just missed it by a week.


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 3607038)
I know, right?

Looks like Randy and I are the only ones you can trust :D

ya... that's exactly what I was thinking....


Originally Posted by Mercuryman (Post 3607149)




Originally Posted by Darth_Emma (Post 3618737)
So are we all moved in yet? Are you ready for the garage decorating committee to come in?


Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 3618743)

OH boy... where to begin....

Yes. we are now "in" the new house.... but not completely moved....

Let's just say that we were never really ready to move. so I had a couple neighbors and some guys from the camaro club give me a hand with the heavy stuff so we just have small crap to get to the house....

One dog escaped and took me for about a mile run in the middle of moving day.. so that was fun...

So when the 1 hour thunderstorm hit we had to put them in the garage... cus they were freaking out... Yep you guessed it... crap and pee from both of them... Thank good for drain in garage :D

with all the cat and dog drama... it was hectic to say the least... No fence in the new house yet... so we're walking them every couple hours...

Finally get moved and settled on day one and get ready for bed. My daughter pukes... about an hour later... she pukes again... They both had the stomach flu last week, guess she still had a little bit of it....

The following morning... Sunday... My son... .... pukes... 3 times in about 3 hours.... getting ready to take him to the ER... Doc says watch him, clear fluids only then bread.... if he keeps that down he's fine as long as there is no temp....

Bottom line... we're in, no major damage to furniture or house... Kids, Dogs, cats or Mom and Dad..... Thank GOD for tile floors... .... Parents and Pet owners know what I'm getting at.....

and we are having on hell of a yard sale this weekend to get rid of all the CRAP we don't need....

But I did keep to my goal... NOTHING is in the garage.... Not one box...


we do LOVE the new house... It's so awesome. :D Car has yet to go in the garage just yet... I need to get the jackshaft openers installed. we should be good to go. :D

JusticePete 08-15-2011 01:52 PM


GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 3619326)

Thank you sir!

:D I guess we're calling it a victory???? :laugh:

Let a post for you in the 305's thread.. :D

JusticePete 08-15-2011 02:01 PM

Do you wan to mount those tires on your current stock rims?

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 02:03 PM

Yes... for now...

steeleshark2 08-15-2011 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3619012)
amazing how much "love" is in this thread all of a sudden..... ;)

ya... that's exactly what I was thinking....


OH boy... where to begin....

Yes. we are now "in" the new house.... but not completely moved....

Let's just say that we were never really ready to move. so I had a couple neighbors and some guys from the camaro club give me a hand with the heavy stuff so we just have small crap to get to the house....

One dog escaped and took me for about a mile run in the middle of moving day.. so that was fun...

So when the 1 hour thunderstorm hit we had to put them in the garage... cus they were freaking out... Yep you guessed it... crap and pee from both of them... Thank good for drain in garage :D

with all the cat and dog drama... it was hectic to say the least... No fence in the new house yet... so we're walking them every couple hours...

Finally get moved and settled on day one and get ready for bed. My daughter pukes... about an hour later... she pukes again... They both had the stomach flu last week, guess she still had a little bit of it....

The following morning... Sunday... My son... .... pukes... 3 times in about 3 hours.... getting ready to take him to the ER... Doc says watch him, clear fluids only then bread.... if he keeps that down he's fine as long as there is no temp....

Bottom line... we're in, no major damage to furniture or house... Kids, Dogs, cats or Mom and Dad..... Thank GOD for tile floors... .... Parents and Pet owners know what I'm getting at.....

and we are having on hell of a yard sale this weekend to get rid of all the CRAP we don't need....

But I did keep to my goal... NOTHING is in the garage.... Not one box...


we do LOVE the new house... It's so awesome. :D Car has yet to go in the garage just yet... I need to get the jackshaft openers installed. we should be good to go. :D

What the crap? I leave and all hell breaks loose!!:barf:

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 02:12 PM

Dude, no doubt... Most of all that was sunday.

Dude, thanks a TON for the help.. I owe you big time.


garcmol 08-15-2011 02:13 PM

I'm in your build thread!! :yikes:

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 02:15 PM


Revo1 08-15-2011 02:20 PM

DAYUM! Congrats on the move brotha!

Dude I'm reading through your story and all I can think of is this...

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Revo1 (Post 3619512)
DAYUM! Congrats on the move brotha!

Dude I'm reading through your story and all I can think of is this...


dude, after kids... the vomit immunity is strong...


Dr Jkel 08-15-2011 02:24 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Look who showed up with his tools.........we even will fix kids.......looks like Norm and I need to do some work on the spoiler.

Darth_Emma 08-15-2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3619450)
Must remember to ban Dr Jkel and Norm from my build thread.


I think you asked for this, Chris.

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Darth_Emma (Post 3619568)
I think you asked for this, Chris.

I'm so dumb sometimes....

garcmol 08-15-2011 02:30 PM


Dr Jkel 08-15-2011 02:30 PM

At least we are cheap and easy get along with. Norm is Cheap and I am easy or is it the other way around.......I get so confused. But as Norm posted we ARE a scary judge of talent

JusticePete 08-15-2011 02:35 PM

One night daughter #2 crawls in bed not feeling well. The next thing I know Deb and #2 jump out of bed a mess. Into the bathroom, clean sheets and back to bed. In comes #1. Right on the floor. Clean up and get her to bed on the couch. Yep, you guessed it #3 starts. We clean up -- again. Just as we finish the clean up the fun begins. All three one right after the other. :barf: Too much for Deb. :barf: It is a perpetual motion machine :barf:

:facepalm: I send all FOUR to the bathroom. They are all girls. It is in their hair and everywhere. A fire hose would have been handy. I keep them in the bathroom and out of the haz mat area while fire up the carpet cleaner. :(

Looking back it is :sm0:

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by JusticePete (Post 3619642)
One night daughter #2 crawls in bed not feeling well. The next thing I know Deb and #2 jump out of bed a mess. Into the bathroom, clean sheets and back to bed. In comes #1. Right on the floor. Clean up and get her to bed on the couch. Yep, you guessed it #3 starts. We clean up -- again. Just as we finish the clean up the fun begins. All three one right after the other. :barf: Too much for Deb. :barf: It is a perpetual motion machine :barf:

:facepalm: I send all FOUR to the bathroom. They are all girls. It is in their hair and everywhere. A fire hose would have been handy. I keep them in the bathroom and out of the haz mat area while fire up the carpet cleaner. :(

Looking back it is :sm0:

:sm0: We've asked the kids "do you have to throw up?" so many times in the last 48 hours.... Now they think thats what they say to go to the bathroom......


Son: "daddy, I have to throw up."

Me: "OK lets hurry."

Son: *pulls down shorts sits down and pees.....*

Me: " I thought you had to throw up???"

Son: "I am.. I throw up pee pee."

Me: :facepalm: "good job buddy"


garcmol 08-15-2011 02:46 PM

I'm feeling a bit queezy right now......

Darth_Emma 08-15-2011 02:49 PM

how did this turn into a barf thread?

Would you please put that spoiler on your car so we can change the topic? I'm going to be sick.

JusticePete 08-15-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3619716)
:sm0: We've asked the kids "do you have to throw up?" so many times in the last 48 hours.... Now they think thats what they say to go to the bathroom......


Son: "daddy, I have to throw up."

Me: "OK lets hurry."

Son: *pulls down shorts sits down and pees.....*

Me: " I thought you had to throw up???"

Son: "I am.. I throw up pee pee."

Me: :facepalm: "good job buddy"


:happyanim: :thumbsup: :sm0:

JusticePete 08-15-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Darth_Emma (Post 3619733)
how did this turn into a barf thread?

Chris started it.

Dr Jkel 08-15-2011 02:52 PM

Hey don't blame me....I brought the tools.

JusticePete 08-15-2011 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3619718)
I'm feeling a bit queezy right now......


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3619716)
do you have to throw up?"


garcmol 08-15-2011 02:53 PM

Can you watch the whole minute????? hahahahaha fun with puppets.

Mr Twisty 08-15-2011 02:56 PM

ehhh.... I'll be back once the subject changes, gotta go barf now

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 3619795)
ehhh.... I'll be back once the subject changes, gotta go barf now

OH :bs: you've got two kids... Don't tell me you've never been on the receiving end...


garcmol 08-15-2011 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 (Post 3619795)
ehhh.... I'll be back once the subject changes, gotta go barf now


JusticePete 08-15-2011 03:01 PM

If we were all in the same place I don't think I could stand it.

JusticePete 08-15-2011 03:03 PM

Does this thread now hold the record for use of the word barf and :barf: smilies?

garcmol 08-15-2011 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by GTAHVIT (Post 3619805)
OH :bs: you've got two kids... Don't tell me you've never been on the receiving end...


And it's always at the strangest times too. Like Pete's in the middle of the night, or church, or the lady's baby sitting next to me at my youngest's tae kwon do evaluation....... or moving, or while your in the car, or they decide they want to drink the whole 6 pack of pepsi, or they make their own kool aid (and it's red and it goes everywhere)

......yeah, kids and their inability to regulate pressure :yikes:

PQ 08-15-2011 03:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 276032

Darth_Emma 08-15-2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by garcmol (Post 3619777)
Can you watch the whole minute????? hahahahaha fun with puppets.

Nope. I made it to 3 seconds.

Darth_Emma 08-15-2011 03:19 PM

This has to be the classiest thread ever on Camaro5.

Unless there is video of his car today, we need to all go visit speedster's thread with this topic.

radz28 08-15-2011 03:26 PM

CONGRATS' CHRIS!!! That's SO awesome. Hopefully you'll get moved in soon :D

That stinks about the kids, your son is funny though!!! LOL!!!

JoeP@TeamBeckyD 08-15-2011 03:36 PM

OMG - LMAO Sorry, I just picked up on the barfing part and
Oh the stories I could tell..... Sorry, that was just too funny.
Joe's looking at me like I'm crazy....

Really though - congrats on the house and move. What a
PITA that whole thing can be, but so worth it. Make sure
you post a pic of the sign - it better be the first decoration!

GTAHVIT 08-15-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by BeckyD@RodgersChevrolet (Post 3620019)
OMG - LMAO Sorry, I just picked up on the barfing part and
Oh the stories I could tell..... Sorry, that was just too funny.
Joe's looking at me like I'm crazy....

Really though - congrats on the house and move. What a
PITA that whole thing can be, but so worth it. Make sure
you post a pic of the sign - it better be the first decoration

Will Do!!!

garcmol 08-15-2011 03:51 PM

I count 21 instances of some sort of vomit references since post #2778; 1 minute and 33 seconds of vomit video; plus several references and quoted mentions.

very notable

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