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onechuck 06-02-2010 08:53 AM

Am I getting old or what...
I remember the good old days when you would pass a Cop setting on the side of the road, running Radar, and you would flash your lights to everyone you passed. They in turn would wave and nod thanking you for keeping there ass out of a ticket. I passed a cop today and flashed my lights at everyone coming to save them and not 1 person gave me the time of day. Ungrateful is what they are. I even checked my lights to make sure they were working. Just don't understand it anymore. I must be getting old and they just don't do this anymore.

kryptonian 06-02-2010 08:57 AM

i still do that. once in a blue moon i get someone that flashes back. the universal sign that says thanks.

but yeah man i know what you mean.

Bullitt 06-02-2010 08:59 AM

Had this happen to me last weekend. Coming home from Ohio and it's just getting dark. Car coming towards me flashes his brights. I thought he thought my lights were too bright or something. A few hundred feet down the road there he was, Mr. Trooper. :)

BackinBlackSS/RS 06-02-2010 08:59 AM

Sorry, but I wouldn't know what you were doing. I've never heard of that.

Michelle42780 06-02-2010 09:00 AM

People suck. The end. :D

But really, I warn people all the time, once in a while I'll get a wave or a flash back. I think now a days, people probably don't even know why I'm flashing (the lights on my car, just so there's no confusion ;)).

1bad65 06-02-2010 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by BackinBlackSS/RS (Post 1935303)
Sorry, but I wouldn't know what you were doing. I've never heard of that.

How old are you?

kryptonian 06-02-2010 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by BackinBlackSS/RS (Post 1935303)
Sorry, but I wouldn't know what you were doing. I've never heard of that.

kids these days...have no sense of the "rules" of the road.

topgun1 06-02-2010 09:03 AM

it appears the courteous flashing light days are over. I flash them to warn people too about cops, no headlights on at night, bright lights are on, no headlights on in the pouring rain, doesn't do any good, rarely. they're like zombies driving. You can flash, and they have no idea what you're talking about. It's the law in most states to have your head lamps burning when it's raining, definitely in NC. they're oblivious. So many cars have the stinkin DRLs now and illuminated dashes that you can't tell if you're lights are on or off like my fiance's Honda Accord. the DRLs don't light up your tail lights people! but if these cars are going to have these features and people not obey traffic laws, the car companies might as well go ahead and light up the tail lights too and have these as part of the DRLs.

BTW, have you guys seen people driving around with their side mirrors folded in???? how do you have no idea your side mirrors are folded in??????? :iono::facepalm:

sorry got a little off subject, but just gets under my skin that the driver etiquette days are long gone.

GaryTucker 06-02-2010 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by onechuck (Post 1935289)
I remember the good old days when you would pass a Cop setting on the side of the road, running Radar, and you would flash your lights to everyone you passed. They in turn would wave and nod thanking you for keeping there ass out of a ticket. I passed a cop today and flashed my lights at everyone coming to save them and not 1 person gave me the time of day. Ungrateful is what they are. I even checked my lights to make sure they were working. Just don't understand it anymore. I must be getting old and they just don't do this anymore.

I've also seen another officer just down the road that was nice enough to pull over the cars with the "faulty lights" and check their operations... Saw that in a small town once and it ended my "warnings" to other motorists...because any stoppage by an officer is a potential ticket.

67 Convertible 06-02-2010 09:05 AM

So...did anyone ever get "caught" flashing the lights?
I did, about 30 yrs, ago........there was another LEO down the street from the first one.

He stopped me and asked if there was something wrong with my headlights. I said that I didn't think so. He said he was just wondering why they would be flashing on and off in the middle of the day.

He wrote me one of those defective equipment fix it tickets....Nothing was ever said about the other LEO, but we both knew what I was doing.....:laugh:

EDIT: Gary beat me to it.....

LS3 SS 06-02-2010 09:05 AM

I definitely don't do that anymore. In Virginia, that would fall under the category of "aiding and abetting". Trying to help someone get out of getting a ticket will just get you yourself in trouble. If someone is speeding, and they know they shouldn't be doing it (atleast in a particular area or speed trap), let em burn.

BackinBlackSS/RS 06-02-2010 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by 1bad65 (Post 1935309)
How old are you?


Originally Posted by kryptonian (Post 1935317)
kids these days...have no sense of the "rules" of the road.

Kid? I wish. I'm 48, grew up in Michigan. I had no idea. :facepalm: :cry:

CreationNation 06-02-2010 09:10 AM

I still do this, but like the other Virginian said, I'm very careful to look ahead and make sure there are no other cops ahead.

Legend 06-02-2010 09:10 AM

Did it years ago...not so much today though.

Like stated, people don't know what you are flashing your lights at them for and if it's at night they always seem to hit you with their high beams!

It's just not as friendly out there on the road anymore as it once was...

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