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Old 06-10-2018, 08:44 AM   #9
CamiLFX's Avatar
Drives: 2014 Camaro LS
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 107
Originally Posted by gringo View Post
Well, look at it this way. It can't hurt putting a catch can on it. Why have all that nasty oil flowing into your intake and coking up the valves if you don't have to.

Unless you can do it yourself or find a shop, it looks like you're up a creek without a paddle.

If the valves are indeed coked up and causing the issue , I guess you have no choice but to spend the $$$ and get it done at one of those euro shops. That is, unless you can get Kenny over on the LFX forum to do it for a nominal fee.
I'll most likely end up doing it myself just because i'm a cheapskate, and i'll look into the catch can again soon.
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