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Old 10-13-2009, 01:42 AM   #101's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MisterCamaro69 View Post
I think it's great they've been up front thru the whole process of R&D... Look at Mike's join date, Aug. 07. I've been following their progress since last year myself. I wouldn't say they're pushing, they're keeping us informed.
This is now the 3rd platform that I have been involved with Pete on new development. Each one we have learned from. We learned a huge amount from the G8, which gave us a huge step into Camaro. In the beginning it was easy to determine the differences between the Camaro and G8. We were able to get the G8 to turn a 1.03g skid pad with equal success on the track. To be honest, were were initially concerned that we would not be able to get the Camaro to exceed the G8. This is primarily related to weight distribution, and a much shorter wheel base. But we were "encouraged" by special engineering friends, and a off the charts desire to do some extraordinary things on the Camaro. Considering we are an Australian company, and did not get our Camaro until late May or June I believe, and considering info that we had that was suppose to be what the Camaro would be and turned out not to, we have done well. We could be like other companies and just make products that show improvement and look pretty. But that is not what we are all about. We have tested to the nth degree and then some.

I have had a lot of fun with the Camaro and have met an amazing amount of new friends in this community, and look forward fine tuning the Camaro, and assisting all of you in making the Camaro into an amazingly great handling ride.

We have been very upfront with our development and what we are doing. We have just finished an amazingly successful test at Gingerman this last weekend. But the 3 magazines, including Hot Rod, GM Hi Performance, etc, get the rights to posting information first. So we cannot discuss a lot until they go to print. Pete will, however, be able to post some info and videos. This is only the second time that we have not been able to disclose all. The first one was certain technical info on the Pedders custom made wheels from Forgeline, and the next was the tests at Gingerman. Other than that, we have been a pretty open book.

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