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Old 04-07-2021, 07:28 AM   #6

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First dynos are like invitations to a party. You get all dressed up in your fancy clothes just to find out everyone else at the party is wearing jeans and a tshirt. It’s rather evident they’ve all really been working out and are in very good shape.
(Some folks are even ripped beyond belief). You feel like a wallflower. So you start working out, pumping iron like crazy and after a year of beefing up and spending thousands and thousands of dollars on exercise equipment and a blender to make all those health juices, you head out to the reunion party.

You finally feel like you belong at the greatest party in the world. But then, someone asks you to dance and much to your disappointment they’re extremely graceful and can dance beautifully, all the while you’re tripping over your feet and can barely stand up.

Now it’s time to learn how to dance. I’m here to tell you brother. Dancing lessons ain't cheap.
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