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Old 07-06-2010, 10:04 PM   #56
chrisrcromwell's Avatar
Drives: [REPOED:3/12] 2011 Camaro 2LT RS
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Lexington, KY.
Posts: 57
Ok, well, this Dave is being insecure & mad because I was being FB friends with the girlfriend he "owns". He figures I'm somehow breaking the 10th commandment of Thou Shall Not Covet & I'm coveting away the girlfriend he owns like property. I thought coveting only applied to when your married. Anyway, thats fine, he can own her, she won't stay too long I wouldn't guess with all the anger and hostilitly he has. I was being extra generous to buy phone minutes so she could talk to this Dave for many months. Well, that will all run out in a month and no more phone minutes. She was an ex-girlfriend from 10 years ago. We met on FB, and hit it off, but ran back to this Dave for no reason at all. So I just gave up and cut all ties after getting this email from him. My point I wanted to make was there was at least 2 dozen different ways to very nicely & politely say what he needed. The road he choose was the wrong one again. I know, ex-girlfriends never work out, I'm having trouble moving on, when theres nothing over the horizon. But she was my first real true love and still quite a knock out! Anyway, I thought I read on Wiki, that all Camaro's were only made in Canada, I don't rember reading they were made anywhere else. So if I got some of that info wrong, I'm sorry. But yeah, Dave is probably just BS-ing me to try and show off and make me feel bad. He accuses me of having some obsessive disorder, but since he want's to make his girlfriend his property, that's obsessive too on his part. Plus, Dave has a moderate head injury from some years ago, so everything he accused me of, he has the exact same things to work on as well. He told me I'm being a hypocrite, thats confusing when he is too!! (sigh)
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