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Old 06-24-2011, 09:23 PM   #107
Retired Navy
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Originally Posted by xxIRONWILLxx View Post
helpful post but I ride the old girl pretty hard. so I'll just stick with checking the condition and deciding. I use royal purple and change out once a season, about 3500.
Absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing.

Originally Posted by Croathlete View Post
So I guess this might be the right thread. Have about 5000 miles, probably only 1500 since my last oil change, but it's been over a year. Figured it was time and went to drain the oil today and no where near 8 quarts drained out. I did remove the cap and car was lifted to the drain side. The only thing I could think of was the oil had sludged up in the pan over the winter. To see if that was the case, I put in the regular 8.9 quarts and the stick showed way too much oil, about 3 inches over the hashmarks. Do you think synthetic on such a low mileage could sludge up like that? If so, should I drain the oil to the correct amount, run it for about a week or two to break up the sludge, and do another oil change? Yes, I know I need to drive the car more often....
8.9 qts is too much. It is only 8 qts with the filter.

Originally Posted by DGthe3 View Post
I would assume its calibrated for whatever oil is recommended in the owners manual, since there isn't an on-board chemistry set to determine what type of oil you put in.

Originally Posted by SilverTurtle View Post
so, lets say that an oil filter goes bad at 1,000 miles... by your logic, it wouldn't be any worse for me to go until the OLM says that I should change it at 8,000 or 10,000 miles than it would be for me to change the oil and discover that the oil filter had gone bad at 3,000 miles... I'm sorry, but it is YOUR logic that is flawed and there is ZERO proof that backs up your side of the story... I'm sure that I could find any number of reports (or just use some common sense) that says that running an engine with a bad oil filter or failing part for longer than absolutely necessary is a bad idea... can you prove the contrary?

do not presume that just because you FEEL something is right, that it IS right... until there is something that actually tests the oil while it is in the car, preventative maintenance will be the best way to keep your car running at peak performance... feel free to gamble with your engine all you want... I will take the safer route and know exactly what is going on with mine.
So, what what you are saying is if a filter goes bad at 1000 miles and you keep running your oil for another 2000-4000 miles after the filter failure (because you will have no idea it failed), that is ok because you are changing your oil on a lessened interval? It doesn't matter if you find that bad filter 10 miles later. The damage has started. Oil filter failures are not new news. There are plenty of pics posted around the forums in cyberworld of cut open filters that are distorted, very poorly built or with holes in the media which would include new filters too. Sorry, but you personally will not know what exactly is going on inside your engine just because you change your oil more often. Let me guess, you still believe sight and smell have some kind of validity in your oils condition too?

Dood, we can talk in circles all day about this. Any OCI can be considered flawed whether it is every 2500 miles, every 10,000 miles, by the OLM, once a year etc... The "safer" route you are taking with a 4th gen might make a little more sense since the newer OLM programming has more data research in it from past years and today's oils are much better than the oils of just three years ago. As for the testing the oil in the car, it is coming in the near future even though it will be rather basic. There is no way they will be able to implement ICP (inductively-coupled plasma), infra-red light, viscosity, hydrolosis and chemical reaction testing methods. The most I see happening is a real time viscosity monitor that would supplement the OLM algorithm making OLM's more refined/accurate.

I would have zero issues running 15,000 miles between intervals in my camaro as long as I ensured I used a good oil filter. The only oil filter I would trust that distance is a Amsoil Ea15K50. Other wise I would change a regular filter at the half way point or at each third.

I guess only doing four oil changes on my truck in a little over 100,000 miles with an oil analysis at each oil change to back up my OCI means nothing and I should just throw the truck away because it is a ticking time bomb.

Last edited by NavyDood; 06-24-2011 at 09:36 PM.
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