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Old 05-18-2012, 12:04 PM   #11
Furious Shine
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Originally Posted by Char1ieone View Post
So I am confused, which is actually the official Pace Car for the 500, is it the Corvette or the Camaro? Cause I saw a fleet of 50 of the Camaros and then saw that the Corvette ZR1 was the named the Pace Car, so what's the deal and how do they determine etc.?

Cool Pics! The ZR1 Corvette is the "Official" Pace Car this year, the Camaros are the "Festival Cars" that are given out to the 500 Festival Committee members and VIP's to drive around to promote the race, and driven in the parade. The cars are then sold by dealers with how ever many miles end up on them. So officially this year there are no Pace Car replicas being sold.

Although I did not physically see you guys, I guess you found my hood open Pace Car at the front of the pack lol! Hope you got to see the coil relocation

I posted my pics in the other thread, but can copy them over here or just link to them if you like (I also have the video I made)
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