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Old 05-24-2012, 08:19 AM   #8
The Stig
knows 2 facts about ducks
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Originally Posted by RedRocketSS View Post
hopefully not $200 to swap em out?
takes all of 20 minutes

Originally Posted by stieger View Post
Now, installing the reverse lights....challenging to say the least

Pic of the AAC high power reverse lights (tinted version)

AAC put some great instructions in with these things, very easy to follow. But I didn't actually get to install them tonight :( ran into a tiny tiny problem. Which I will get to in due time. Below are instructions on how to remove the rear bumper, not AAC's but it's the same thing really.

Removing the Torx screws is a little difficult to do without taking off the tire, but I found a solution, it's basically a Torx screw thing that I locked into place via a monkey wrench. It's really affective and doesn't need much room to use; which is perfect because I think you have all of 2" to work with behind the tire.

But yea so the part where I got stuck is the part where you have to pull off the rear bumper. After about 45 minutes of what I can only describe as giving it to Kaylee from behind I just gave up. Does anyone know if there are any screws that I'm missing that might not be on the above description? Or am I simply not pulling hard enough on the bumper?

Originally Posted by stieger View Post
Not to ruin the end of the post, but SUCCESS

A few tips/things I want to mention here real quick. First, AAC gave great instructions, they just missed one tiny step that GM didn't even put into the instructions (see above images). You need to pull the quarter panels out BEFORE pulling the bumper backwards. See the pic

Once you get that all you have to do is pull. Gently, but firm at the same time. Also, having two people would make it A LOT easier, but it isn't necessary. When you finally undo the bumper it is going to make a sound like something VERY expensive just broke, don't worry: nothing broke. Why it makes that sound I don't know, but it nearly gave me a heart attack.

Pic of the back of the reverse light

OEM vs AAC: notice the tinted area on the OEM one, that is all the area that light can get out.

Close up of the AAC reverse lights. Mind you mine are tinted so they hide the dots a little better

With flash on

With the reverse lights on. Just ignore Kaylee, she's winking at me
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