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Old 10-26-2012, 06:11 AM   #32
It was ninety nine cents!
Drives: 2014 Jeep Wrangler
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Syracuse, NY
Posts: 1,715
Originally Posted by SSRS55 View Post
Your wife is going to murder ya... Get married first kid!!!

By the way last night I wrote ya a huge post on here then my computer shut off and I lost it, you know this already, lol... but anyways instead of doing it again I'm just going to break it down to the short version cause the moment was lost..
- your a great friend and I really value your opinion, which is saying a lot...
- you deserve this car and I'm glad you pulled through the rough to get it..
- your a lucky man with a supportive beautiful wife, now spend some mod money on the wedding
- your ex wife is a bitch and at same time you owe her for making you the more confident man you are today, Oh and did I mention Alex, If not for her dumb ass you would of never met her..
- great thread and stripes look awesome
- Oh and you can use my garage anytime

these were all my key points of the post that magically disappeared last night just as I was about to hit send... well anyways you get the idea, YOU DA MAN KID!!

Hahaha thanks bro.
You know you had a part in giving me this mod bug too. Not to mention getting me REALLY hooked on these cars. That ride in the GT500 was no joke. (There's a thread here somewhere about it.) You've been a great friend too!

You're right though LOL I do need to pull the trigger on the wedding date. Neither of us are in a hurry though. If you asked her right now she'd say "We need new windows and siding on the house first." (Which we do, but she keeps letting me dump money into this car!)

So the wedding is a way's off, but she and I are cool with that. We want our ducks in a row before the government starts charging us to be married haha!

But I'm definitely lucky to be in the spot I'm in today. I've had alot of good people help me along the way. The wife to be, she's a godsend man. I call her "the unicorn" Because there's no way a girl like her exists!

Anyway. I'm about to get all mushy, and I've been trained via shock therapy to never do that in public!!

Thanks for everything bro, you know I keep my group of friends pretty small. (real friends anyway) Glad to have ya around. Alex calls you "the other wife btw"

Now let's get YOUR stripes on. And start a mod journal already. You just got that car and you've already out-modded me. Time to document it all and show these people here what a sicko you are when it comes to making a car that people drool over.


BTW. I got called "VIKING" By not only Alex, but half the beverage staff tonight.


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