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Old 12-10-2012, 02:25 PM   #5

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I'm sorry, but I completely agree with 429 on this. Just because a couple of driveway wrench monkeys (no offense, I'm one myself) on these forums think this is a simple swap-over job, doesn't mean it's a good idea to have a bunch of untrained novice mechanics tearing into their rear ends, and then wondering why their gears only lasted 500 miles before they disintegrated!!! This job, when done PROPERLY, takes special tools, training, and experience (as 429 previously mentioned). Why would you want to gamble on the possibility of destroying your rear end? Get it done a professional....or don't do it at all. Sorry, just my opinion....

EDIT: I will say that if a person is mechanically-inclined and has the appropriate tools and facilities, there should be no problem removing and/or disconnecting the exhaust, axles, driveshaft, and rear end pumpkin yourself. That will save you a ton in labor costs right there. But take the pumpkin to a shop that specializes in rear ends (no, not your local strip bar) and have them set-up the gears for you. If done properly, there's really much more to it than just swapping stuff over.

Last edited by blazzin1; 12-10-2012 at 02:43 PM.
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