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Old 05-23-2013, 12:01 PM   #830
Speedy1975's Avatar
Drives: Challenger Hellcat, 2SS Camaro
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Middle Tennessee
Posts: 2,245
I do one set of warmup at lighter weight, 10-12 reps, then 3 work sets of 6-8 reps with the maximum I can get through 3 work sets with. If the 2nd set feels light, I'll add 10lbs for the 3rd, then the following week I'll start with that added 10lbs on work set 1 and start over.

Here's my routine for those that care.

Tues - Chest/Biceps

Thurs - Shoulder/Back

Sat - Legs/Triceps

This routine insures each muscle gets maximum attention. I see some guys do chest and triceps on the same day, which is counter productive since you're already working tris when you do chest. Same with Back and bis.

I always do this routine, but every 90 days I change up the actual exercises in the routine to keep my body moving. For example, this 90 days I'm doing barbell bench routines for chest. Starting in July I'll go to Hammer Strength machines.

I don't do any ab work as that just makes you wider at the waist, not more defined and I want to maintain a nice V shape from back to waist. To get a 6 pack it's all in lowering body fat.

My goals are strictly size/definition based. I could honestly care less about strength but strength does come from lifting no matter what.

My .02 cents.
2016 Go Mango Challenger Hellcat (PB E.T. in 1/4 Mile 9.83 @ 140MPH)

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