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Old 06-20-2013, 11:20 AM   #161
50 Shades of Prey
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Originally Posted by SSE 4 2SS View Post
Cyber, thanks for chiming in... There are a lot, apparently, of folks running the kit turbos, and probably more running the bigger turbos I ended up with...

I had the original 62/65's, then the ball bearing 62/65's, and when those became questionable, they started "rattling," precision upgraded them to 67/66's which are what I blew two of up at the mile... Drivers side Friday, first pass, 4th gear at just over 180 at the third mile...had a new replacement overnighted from precision and turned right around and blew it up Sunday morning... First full pull pass on the new drivers side turbo...

The supposition is that we are way over spinning them to make the boost due to the size and inefficiency...we create tons of boost related heat... We were at 25 lbs of boost...

For that reason, we are redesigning our kit from scratch... Huge inter cooler, 76/75 h cover turbos with a T4 hot side... They will be mounted next the bell housing again, but in a completely different configuration. We'll be notching and boxing the frame...

As GGG mentioned, if I remember correctly, the kit turbos are rated for around 900 hp... With a properly sized motor... Probably a max or 3.1 liters per turbo... I am spitting 3.5 liters plus at each of them, spinning the motor over 7 grand and standing on her for a full mile with spray...

Almost everyone I know running the 62/65's or the 67/66's is running a max of a quarter mile and stabbing it some on the street...

Quite different than what I'm asking of mine... Not better nor worse, just a learning curve for us... Like which vendors to trust and which ones to stay the hell away from...

As GGG alluded to, we are in somewhat seldom charted waters with my goals... We were at the Mile in March with over 1500 rwhp...that will be easier to achieve with the new bigger turbos... And Sean promises these turbos will handle it... Time will tell... These turbos have a mid frame center section with a much bigger shaft...
Thanks for the response, very informative. I guess since it involved another member we were just arguing different points. I completely understand where you are coming from. Good luck with everything and when my car grows up it wants to be just like yours lol.
Futral Motorsports built and tuned
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