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Old 05-02-2015, 12:22 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Q'smuscle View Post
Lmao.... Yes , just rushing and was busy with stuff at the time ! Smart guy. The graph �� shows that the numbers fluctuates and the Camaro sales is up this month . I'm guessing that you would say the mustang sales is on a down next month if it sells less than 13k this month . Right? Lmao... You're crazy. If you think the mustang is on a down just because it sells less than it did a month before. .
Of course, you can expect fluctuation from month-to-month, but the trend line for Camaro sales goes DOWN regardless of how you want to spin it. Why can't you admit that the Gen5 Camaro is just not as popular as it once was. T here is no shame in it, it happens with all makes/models when they get as long in the tooth styling-wise as the Camaro. Unfortunately, it's looking like the 6th Gen is going to carryover a lot of the same styling cues from the 5th Gen, so I'm not expecting sales to spike much upon the 6th Gen release.
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