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Old 11-04-2015, 04:26 PM   #27

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Drives: a M6 LT1 ordered From Becky!!!
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The problem with adding big power is you start breaking things. And fixing those things are very expensive. You end up with a car not as good as the faster car for just as much money or more than the up model. And then your car is worth no more or even less than other used cars like yours. I have experienced this first hand. The internet modders have not.

But some understand fully what a project car entails and enjoy the fun of building the car. They want to own and drive a unique and extreme car. But going in they know they will have to spend big to build a great car. Props to them and fun to read the build.

Also a supercharged V8 CA6 will not get as good mileage as a non FI Camaro and will be heavier. Count on it.

I think a 2016+ Camaro with bolton mods will be an easy 11 second car. This could be a super fun car to own with plenty of thrills on the street and still get descent gas mileage for what it is.
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